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Freddy and How it Got to Me

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Friend's bedroom
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was raised in a rough neighborhood right in the middle of town. I’d heard and learned a lot about the facts of life on the streets and often heard couples having sex with each other. I was probably around 11 or 12 the first time I saw a boy and a girl from the hood screwing. It was easy to see that they both really enjoyed what they were doing.

Then, when I was 14, I met this girl that was about my age too. She lived in the same old apartment building that I did and she too was also familiar with the facts of life. We got together alone one evening and talked about things. It was then that I got to show my dick to a girl for the first time and got to see a pussy for the first time. The next time we got together alone we did a little more with each other. She let me touch her and of course, I let her touch me. I got to put my fingers in her pussy and feel her tits and her legs. She ended up giving me a hand job and seeing me shoot my cum. Then, one evening, it happened. We went all the way with each other. I get to put my dick into her pussy. At first, it hurt her. We stopped and she ended up giving me a hand job. The next evening, we did it again. This time, I went all the way into her. I could feel what I’d seen that other guy felt the first time I saw a couple doing this and was it ever good. It didn’t take me very long to cum inside her pussy. Afterwards, I slowly pulled out of her. She got up and ran home to douch out worried about getting pregnant. I guess it worked because she didn’t get pregnant. We continued to do this for several months. All I knew was it sure felt good doing this to a girl. Been doing it ever since.

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