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Free Spirit

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Jodi and I grew up together. I’ve known her since we were both young children. She lived right next door.In her teen age years, I could tell she was a real free spirit. When we took walks in the woods together,she;d take off her shirt and walk next to me only in her short shorts and sandals. She told me if I could go bare-chested, she could too. I didn’t mind, of course. In fact I liked it a lot. She had a beautiful chest. Nice breasts. Not large and saggy, but nice and full, like two ripe peaches. And nipples that were always firm.

We made out a lot after we were around 15. The hormones were flowing deep and passionate. When we were 16, she wanted to see my penis and, of course, i Was proud to show it to her. It was a nice size. Nearly 7 inches the first time she measured it. She examined it in great detail, and one Summer afternoon, took it in her mouth and sucked it. I was in 7th heaven. She said she had heard guys liked it. I sure did! On my 17th birthday, she let me fuck her. We had been wanting to have “real sex” for a long time, and she said she wanted me to be her first. We did it on a Saturday afternoon, when no one was around — in her bed, at home! My God did we fuck. She felt no pain and that first condom was chock full of sperm. We knew that white stuff made babies so we were always careful. I bought the thinnest condoms I could find, so it felt like there was nothing between us.

We walked a lot in the woods in our late teens. And we fucked regularly — naked — in the grass. We pretended we were Adam and Eve, getting the world started.

Finally, one day, when I was 18, I told her Adam never used a condom, and I wanted to feel her vagina next to my naked cock.I convinced her, from what I had read, that the odds of her getting pregnant the first time were rather miniscule. In a week moment she said O.K., and I fucked her deep and hard that afternoon — against a weeping willow tree in the woods. She had her legs wrapped tightly around me and told me — “Jeff this is soooo good!!I want you inside me forever and ever!

I was right, and she didn’t get pregnant. And we took our chances after that.

Now we are in colleges, and Jody is on birth control. We plan on getting married after we graduate. We are both deeply in love.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience