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friend with benfits

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: her house basement
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

this one day my friend calls me up says. hey joee lets hang out down town. so i said yes too it. so we meet up that day. hang out like she said. then she said want come over to my house so i said yes.later on we went over to a friends house but he wasn’t home. on the way back she asked me about? if i wanted to be friends with benfits with her. but she said do you know what that means, i smile said no what does it mean. she said it mean we are friends who my sex together. and things we do behind closed doors are between me and you. the cool thing was i think she knew that i was a virgin but she did say a word. she did asked me to spend the night so later that night she asked me so wanted be fuck bubby. at his point i am nerous.so i said do you want do it tonight she it’s up to you joee. she did have a condom with her she showned to me before where get ready for bed. so said give me the condom got hard but when i try to on the condom on it went down she smile said need some help so got in to water bed again she rubbed it. when we try to put it on again to put the condom on but my dick went down again. she said lets try it on the floor, by this point am butt nake she has on a small shit on she took condom off then play with my dick unlit got hard then she pull down my forskin down.it took me along time cum becasue was nerous to try things with her, but she was fance me like craze she was my first pussy and my first kiss too. one reason i was super nerous was her partents where up stairts sleep. but thought hey might hears us having. but she told she didn’t care if mom or dad walked in on us fucking. becasue was paying rent for room in the basement.

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