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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Her bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

There was a girl. She was in my class from pre-school all the way until high school was over. My mom and her mom had been friends since they were in about kindergarten, so we grew up together. One day I was at her house, horny. We were the only ones there. We were in her room watching TV. She kept telling about all of her friends that had crushes on me and all of that stuff. She actually didn’t look too bad. She had huge boobs and a pretty nice ass. She wasn’t fat but wasn’t skinny. She was wearing a tight yellow tank top with black yoga pants. Every time she stood up I couldn’t resist looking at her nice, big, firm ass and her boobs jiggle up and down as she walked. We were both 14 when this happened. We were talking about her friends and she asked me if I was still a virgin. I asked her if she was and she said yes. Right after that I said yes. I told her that I could have sex with any girl in our class if I wanted to. She said “No you couldn’t. Not with me at least.” My cock got hard right when she said that. I couldn’t hide it because I was wearing shorts. Then again I didn’t really care if she saw it. I actually had a pretty good sized cock. She stared at it and said “HOLY SHIT!” I couldn’t help but to smile:D She asked if she could see and touch it. Obviously I said yes. The thing that surprised me is when she started sucking it. I was surprised and felt good at the same damn time. She started to take her shirt off and I wasn’t gonna stop her. We started kissing and I took her bra off. We stood up and kissed with tongue as I squeezed her nice, juicy ass. “You know you like that.” “I know I do.” She laid down on her bed and I took her pants off. My cock was throbbing. I took my shirt off and was completely naked. I got back on top of her and started kissing her again. I then took her panties off and started fingering her. I got down and ate her pussy. She was moaning in pleasure. Almost every 14 year old boys dream is to have sex. I was always prepared. I pulled a condom out of my pocket and I put it on. I fingered her one last time and her pussy was so wet. I slipped my cock into her tight virgin pussy and thrusted until I was in. I started getting faster and faster as she got louder. She squeezed me and said “OH MY- OH MY GOSH!” She was moaning as I fucked her wet pussy. I came and it felt so good! Finally, she came and wanted more. I gave her more until our parents got there. Luckily, we got done just in time. We made out almost everyday after that. We weren’t dating. We had sex a couple of times more. We had unprotected sex once, but she didn’t get pregnant. That was an awesome day!

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