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Friend’s Boyfriend’s Brother

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had been friends with Holly for six years at the time. We had known each other since 4th grade. Whenever she can over we would look at porn on the internet and wonder what it was like. We weren’t lesbians. We both fantasized what it would be like to have sex.

As the years past, she moved on to having many boyfriends and we no longer spent much time looking at “naughty” stuff. I however survived on porn and didn’t get any dates and had never had a boyfriend by my Sophomore year. I was a somewhat pretty girl, tall for my age with brownish blonde hair and a slender figure, but not drop dead beautiful like Holly. I told her I wish I could get guys to spend time with me like she could. She asked me “is it because you want sex?”. I blushed a little and said “well that’s not all of it, I mean I’m looking for someone to care about me….” I trailed off in my sentence.

Holly got up and shut her bedroom door and then sat down on the bed next to me. She half spoke half whispered in my ear “you don’t need a man to make you feel good”. She unzipped my pants and started working her fingers into them. I quickly and defensivly shouted out “holy shit, don’t do that”. She put a finger to my lips to shush me.

She began to work in big circles around my clit, teasing me. She stopped after a few minutes of doing this and pushed me back onto her bed. She got up and worked my pants and thong off.

I blushed again at the fact I was naked infront of my best friend. She bent down and stuck her head between my pussy. She continued teasing my clit again by doing big circles around it, but not actually touching it. Just went I thought I was going to die, she quickly shoved her tounge in my vagina and started pumping in and out. I let out a little moan and automatically began to fondle my breasts. She stopped tounge fucking me and started to suck on my slit and rub it with her tounge. Quicker, she started rubbing it and touching it, it felt so good. Just when I thought I was going to break out in the biggest climax of my life, she stopped. At first I thought she was teasing, but she laid down next to me and said “If you want to know what it really feels like…You will go out with Luke (her boyfriend)’s older brother tonight. He needs a date”. I nodded, all too excited about the experience soon to come.

I put my thong and pants back on and walked home to get ready. At 8 o’clock a car honked in my driveway, and I scurried outside wearing a short, black mini skirt with a white tanktop and a see-through black silk jacket. I climbed into the passengers seat, where I looked at Luke’s older brother for the first time. He was was a senior,tall, 6’3, muscular and had dark brown hair. I couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t find a date, he should be chasing girls off. His name was Jason.

He looked me over real good and smiled at me. I glanced back and Holly and Luke, who were quite cozy in the backseat. Holly was smiling at me. Jason leaned over and said “It’s nice to meet you Sara” and then pecked me on the cheek. We went to a drive in movie at a movie that really sucked. Jason put his arm around me as we sat on the hood of his car. Afterwards we drove back to Luke’s house. Holly and Luke got out and Luke explained “he had something he wanted to show Holly.” Jason called back “take your time”.

He turned off the car and slid closer to me. He put his arm around me at I could feel his breath on my neck. He made casual conversation as he asked me what I liked to do in my free time. I felt his other hand fall down to my knee and he began to massage it, working his way up. He moved his head in closer and pulled me towards him for a kiss. His tounge invaded my mouth as his hand on my knee worked it’s way up my thigh, and into my cunt. His hand was warm, and he first attacked my clit, working it in circles with his fingers through my panties. He stopped kissing me and told me he thought I was beautiful. I blushed, but it was too dark for him to see it. He moved himself all the way over onto the passengers side and stratled me. He began sucking on my neck as he fondled my breats. He whisper in my ear “let’s get in the back”. He climbed off me and settled himself in the back seat. He held my hand and leaded me between the chairs. Once I sat down he proceeded taking my jacket off. He tossed it aside and then took my tank top off, leaving me in my bra. He started quickly undressing himself as I looked around carefully to see if anyone was watching. He reached his hand behind me and undid my bra, revealing my B36 breasts. He instantly started sucking it as he pressed me back against the car door. He was very experienced. He told me to take off my skirt and spread my legs so I did. He went to work rubbing my cunt with his warm hands. Touching and teasing my clit while he slowly worked his fingers into my vagina. One finger, two finger, three fingers. He tried to reach down so he could eat me out, but the position was awkward in the car. He promised me next time as he awkwardly removed his pants and tossed them on the front seat. He pulled a condom out of the cardoor compartment and put it on. He climbed ontop of me and stuck his cock inside of me. It took him a few seconds, but he finally found my hole. He started pressing himself into me very slowly. “damn” he said breathing onto my neck “you are a virigin!” I guess Holly forgot to tell him I was. Him pressing into me hurt like hell, and my eyes stung but I didn’t want to cry and have him think I was a baby. Eventually I felt something pop and the real pain began. I couldn’t believe this is what I was hoping for. After a few minutes of him swaying into me, it started to feel good. I let out a little moan and arched my hips up, an invitation for him to go faster. He began puming harder and more violently. He started grunting and moaning and telling me he loved me and I was the most beautiful girl he had ever fucked. He leaned forward so his shaft was rubbing against my clit, I was about ready to explode. After what seemed like such a short time,I could feel my body tense up like when I had been masturbating. Suddenly all went loose and a climax hit me. He started to tense up too and cummed inside of me right after my orgasm. He continued pumping me for a few seconds and then stopped, breathing hard. He pulled himself out and removed the condom by throwing it out the car window into a rain gutter. He told me to sit between the front two seats facing the back seats. So I did and he kneeled down and began eating me out like he had promised. His tounge was twirling inside my now longer vagina, when all of a sudden he quickly lunged up and pulled my legs up in the air. He then started fucking me again, only harder this time and more violently. I let out a small scream, it hurt alot more than last time but I liked being under his complete control. He came inside of me, I was a little worried but I had just finished up my period two days ago. I hoped he was clean and had no weird disease. He then pulled me back into the back seat and began making out with me. Stopping once to tell me he was sorry about the semi-rape fuck, he told me couldn’t resist himself and he likes having a girl under his power. His continued kissing me for a few more minutes and then we helped each other put our clothes on.

We went inside and got Luke and Holly, who were both wet and sweaty, they had just gotten out of the shower. Jason drove both me and Holly home, Holly never onced asked me about my car experience with Jason. Jason and I went steady for a while, and had good sex a couple of more times. After 9 months he broke up with me and started dating Holly after he graduated. That little backstabbing bitch ended up getting pregnant by him and I could only laugh. I recently ran into Jason at a high school reunion, he is a cab driver and divoced Holly after she had a miscarrige. He asked me on a date again and I had to deny, I was foolish to ever believe he loved me on the first night.

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