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Friends House

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Friends House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I was 14 when I stared to go out with this guy named Bob. I really liked him and he really liked me. The only problem was that he was black and my parents don’t approve of me going out with African Americans. My friend also started going out with his best friend about the same time. We did as much as we could together but nothing really serious. Then when I was on vacation he and his friend called my friend and they both broke up with us.
Then school started a few weeks later and soon he started to go out with anohter girl. I didn’t really care. We had a class together and I really didn’t want to see him but I had to. Soon we began to talk again and became very good friends. We began to leave class together and mess around in the halls. Then one day he pulled me to the stair well. He stood in front of me and pulled out his hard dick. I just stood there staring. I had never seen a dick before. He asked me to touch it and I hesitated for a min. But I lowed my hand and touched it. Soon I was working my hand up and down the shaft. Then he put it back in his pants because someone was coming.
Bob and I did this every day for about two weeks.The teacher never noticed a thing. Once he even pulled it out in the middle of the class and showed it to me. Then one day we went out and he asked me to give him a blow job, and I did. Later that night he called me from his friends house which was just downt the street form mine and asked if I could come over. I was there and he answered the door. I could not see his friend anywhere. We went up to his friends room and began to touch all over each other. He soon had my shirt hiked up and my pants down and had me on the bed. He layed on top of me and was sucking my breasts while fingering my pussy. I was so afraid that his friend was going to walk in but he never did.
A few days later his friend called me up and asked me to come over. When I got there he said he knew what I did to his friend and he wanted some too. So I gave him some after he agreed not to tell anyone else.
A week later Bob called me over again and this time he wispered in my ear that he wanted to have sex with me. He promised that he wouldn’t hurt me and that he would use a condom. I agreed, and soon we began. He slowly striped me of my clothing and began to caress me all over my body.That really felt good. Then he stripped himself out of his own cloths. He laid down on the bed(his friends bed) and motioned for me to suck his dick. I began to suck and it began to rise. Soon it was fully errect and ready to fuck me.
He went to his pants and pulled out a condom and began to put it over his dick. He had me lay on the bed a lifted my legs. He put the tip of his dick near the opening of my hole. He told me to put it in. It kinda hurt at first then he reached my cherry. He braced himself and pushed in. I screamed at the feeling, and he quickly covered my mouth. I knew then that his friend was there. I was quieter and he began to pump in and out. Soon I was moving my hips along with his. The force of our pumping was really great. Soon I orgasmed. Feeling this he told me he was about to cum. I knew we were safe knowing that he had that condom on. But then when he arched his back and began to squirt into me and I could feel it. Was it supposed to feel like that? He pulled out exaused from the sex. There was a little blood on the bed sheets. We were horified to find out that the condom was broken and was around the base of his dick. I began to panic. Then he told me not to worry. He said hardly anyone gets pregnant off the first time.
I got pregnant off that first time. I told Bob about two months later that I was for sure preganant. He told me that I should get an abortion, but I couldn’t do that it was the wrong solution for me. Soon I would have to tell my parents though and I didn’t know what to say. Luckly one of my friends told for me. My parents were very disappointed and they wanted to know who the father was so they could tell his parents. I refused to tell them.
I’m a freshman in high school. Its April now and schools almost over for the year. My parents are making me get a job this summer. I’m 5 months pregnant and I’m really starting to show. I’m afraid about what my parents are going to say when they see the baby. ButI hope they love it as I will.
A word of advice for everyone putting a condom in a wallet or anywhere near heat makes it deterorate, which mean its more likely that its gonna break. And for all the teenagers out there, the only true way to prevent pregnance is with abtence, don’t make the same mistake!

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