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friends with benfits

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: friends hourse
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

so this one day my friend call me, she want to hang out so we meet up down town and went to the mall and look at stuff and she kind of like me alot because she keep on saying shit like it would be cool if we end up dating some day. after the mall she said lets hang out at my place so we got on the city bus went over to her place and when we got off the bus she said do you want to be my friend with benfits and i said whats that. she smile your a fucking virgin right and i smile said yes in a very nerous way. so i saud i’ll think a bout it. so this part is cool becasue she lived in her partens basement. she had to change colthes becasue it was raining thats day. so she change when i was in the can went i came out she was butt nake on her water bed she said time to make you a man joee she open he legs and close them. cum on she said am fucking horny joee i hadn’t a cock in me for fours mouths now. she told to undo my pants and if i had a boner on me that i had to fuck. i said well don’t worry about give me ten min i want to take a hot shower first. well she said in a smile let me join in the shower ok. after the shower she had a condom on her but do to my nerous my dick wouldn’t stay hard to put the condom on so she said fuck in am going rubb you hard ok than she put down my forskin and help into her pussy and i was still nerous becuase i was butt nake fuck a girl for the first time on her bedroom floor with nothinh to cover myself if someone would walk in on us.(her dad iwas scare of hears us fuck)i wasn’t that good but she like my dick cock in her tight pussy. she told me as i keep it to my sef that we fuck her pusy would be there fpr me anytime but after we fuck.we fuck alot after that and remain fuck bubby to this day.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience