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Age when it happend: early 20s
Where it happened: her bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

this may not thrill those looking for a fantasy…
i met sue through her cousin barbara who was a member of our “gang”.
over a several year period, we became close, but platonic friends.when she was away a college, i would speak to her long distance several times a week. we eventually became so close that we would talk about anything with no qualms.we were both virgins at the time.we probably would have become boyfriend and girlfriend if not for our religeous differences…which we both felt strongly about.
once she confided that she had never seen a porn flick.i promised her that i would rent one when she returned home for a visit.
a short time later, she was home on break, my parents were away on vacation, and i rented one for us.
we were in a bed watching it,we both got turned on, and although we didn’t go all the way, we engaged in some heavy fondling.this was the first physical sexual contact we had.
she went back to school, and we resumed our regular phone contacts.during one of the calls,she asked me if given the opportunity, would i sleep with her.i replied of course…after all, she was a great looker and a special friend.
she came home for the summer and although we were not having a physical relationship, we saw each other numerous times a week.
she and her friend mellissa (whos now my sis in law)had gone out the night before,and had both lost their virginity on separate beds in the same hotel room.she actually expected the jerk to call her again.i knew better.
after a few weeks, she realized she had been had and told me i should have been her first.nothing more was mentioned at the time.
shortly thereafter, i went over to her house. i thought she wanted to go to the beach.she said she wanted to watch a movie on tv.she told me her parents were out and we can watch it on the big screen in her den.
during the movie she suddenly said the movie sucks.she turned to me and said to follow.we went to her room and she said she was going to pretend that she was still a virgin and that we would be each others firsts.she undressed me , then she did a sexy strip. she said she had just been fitted for a diaphram and that she wanted me to break it in.we lied side by side caressing in her bed while barbara streisand was on the radio.when we were ready, i climbed on top and she guided me in. i’ll always miss her.

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