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From Ho Hum to WOW

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

Me and my boyfriend first had sex when I was 17. We’d done most everything else, but I was afraid to go that final step for fear of getting pregnant. Anyways, we bought condoms and decided to use them. We drove down to the beach, got into the position in the front seat, and gave it a try. It sucked.. I didn’t have an orgasm, it hurt like a bitch, and it took him like 3 minutes. I was like “that’s it??”. But, I loved the boy, and decided that the lack of penis-induced orgasm was just a slight bump in the road, we needed to try again. It was ALOT better. I still didn’t have an orgasm, but I came pretty damn close. Several years and 100’s of sex sessions later, we’re pros at it. I LOVE sex! We have orgasms at the same time and we can go for hours at a time or can have a perfectly time quicky whenever we like, it’s perfect. I guess when you’re both virgins, it’s hard to get it right the first time.

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