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From Sexual abuse to a happy ending

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: My house in the hills
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My cousin Billy was three years older than me and he and I were always together which was not good. We shared the tub because we didn’t have running water but a well he drew water and heated. I would go first and he would keep bringing buckets of hot water then he would strip and get in. I was young and stroked his hard cock . I was young and we were both surprised when a little white liquid came out of his penis. He never played with my pussy until I was 11 but when he started it was every day . First it was a chase then he would catch me . My parents never bought me slacks or pants so he pulled up my dress or skirt and held me down and stimulated me with my panties on. That was the beginning after that my panties were down or off as soon as he caught me. After that I hated the loose stretched panties and just took them off so they stayed nice. I had a big clitoris and he drove me crazy and he enjoyed it. I wouldn’t suck him but he he would suck on my big clitoris and I had many orgasms as his mouth manipulated my clitoris. I’m not sure why he never put a finger in my vagina even accidentally but I kept my maidenhead for a long time. I was having periods and he would still work my pussy over with his fingers. I was on my way to a party when he picked me up carried me to the back and masturbated me to orgasm three times. My pussy dripped and I was still coming down when my ride came to pick me up. I masturbated him so many times I can’t remember. I carried tissue not for my nose but so he wouldn’t get it on me. He got older and learned to hold it back and my arms and grip were very strong . All of my experience and he could hold his seimen back 20 minutes . Some times I fought but most of the time it was no use. I think when I was 13 I orgasmed every single day a few days twice. Never did I masturbate my self. I remember fighting having an orgasm . It didn’t work he just knew how to get me there. I may have had a boyfriend then had I had a desire at all. I took a class trip to Seattle and the girls swooned over the boys and I was relieved to not have my cousin in my pussy. I didn’t want to come home and see him. I didn’t get very far when my panties were off and he was eating my clitoris. . He was slowing down on me because he got a girl friend at last. I saw them having sex soon after and I hoped she would curb his sex addiction with me. It came to a complete stop after years of unwanted sexual touching. I started looking at boys and made some boyfriends. Then I fucked everything up by giving a hand job. Soon I had given many boys hand jobs and the very thing I wanted a boyfriend I didn’t have. I still had my virginity when I saw a sex councilor . I started all over with the same boy but now they had me on the pill. The councilor suggested I go all the way and not stay with just one boy. Every week he asked me if I did it and I said no ,no no. I was thinking he was nuts not me. My face cleared up on the pill and I was happy with that but I felt being on the pill at 14 was not so good . My boyfriend asked me for sex every day and I found that the councilor told him to so I dumped him. The school made me go to the councilor and I wanted to run away from him like I did my cousin. I was so stressed I asked my cousin to take me to my grandmothers in West Virginia to run away. He did and he was in my panties a few times on the way there. It actually felt good and was a release having a few orgasms. We told no one and I was hiding at grandmothers a week feeling super in those rainy mountains. I told grandmother everything and she listened . That night I was sneaking to get a drink of milk and not wake her dog when I heard her pray for me. The next morning a barefoot boy was outside on the porch of her house . I walked out side with my bowl of cereal and we talked . He had that hillbilly sound but he was very smart. Grandmother came out and said this boy is going to be your Bo. That’s boyfriend he told me Granny forgot your from out west. But he is only 13 I said. Your only 14 and your both getting older every day. Glad to finally meet you he said and he said he had to do his choirs before school. What’s that about grandmother ? I promised his father you would marry him some day . People don’t do that any more I said. He is very responsible for his age and I think once you know him you will change your mind. Did you look at him ? Yea he is real cute isn’t he . ain’t he you mean better talk like your from her as quick as possible. Grandma taught me to quilt and cook and tend to chickens. I fell in love with the hillbilly boy. He was exactly 18 when he brought me a marriage license and I signed it . The wedding was a week later . The hillbilly boy confessed the neighbor girl raped him many times before he met me. He wanted me to know he wasn’t a virgin. No one will understand you more than me then I said. I gave him a hand job , Then he at 18 broke my maidenhead so gently it almost didn’t hurt. Sex in love is so amazing . Three years of great sex and I am just a few months pregnant now as I write.

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