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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I will never forget my first time mAkin out with a girl. My cousin was spending the summer with us. We were locked in my room watching a movie. My cousin said she was bord and we should have some fun. I felt someone touching my boobs I asked war she was doin she said tht she wa horny and need some relived. She took off her clothes and took mine of I really didn’t know wat to do. She then put her huge boobs up to my mouth and told me to suck on then I did wat she said. She started touching my pussy It felt pretty good. I started to get lil wet I thought I had peed myself since I had never done that. She then started to move down and started playin with my clitoris with her tounge it felt even better . She told me to do the same . She started cummin it tasted so good I started to get even more wet she started eaton me up she started fingering wow best thing to happen to me when we were done we went to sleep we keep on doing it every night til she leaved and it feel amazing I had my first orgasm with her when she leaved I started masturbating and it felt amazing to I mostly enjoy water power;) but I have never been with a boy

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