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Fucking Good!

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well i was 18 when i happened and i was really good friends with this guy. we had been friends since freshman year. He was going out with my best friend that was a girl. That didn’t mean he still didnt come over and hang out. Well one night he asked me to come to his house and when i got there he said his parents weren’t home. So we surfed the web a little bit, and somehow are comversation veired to sex. He asked if i’ve ever “done it” and i said no. I turns out someone as good looking as him haden’t done it yet either. So he pushed me on his bed and we started to make out. Things got hotter and then both of our shirts are off, then our pants and before you know it im screaming as he fingers me with three finges. his huge cock finally enters me and i start bleeding cuz im in the middle of my period. he thrusts back and forth and aftr a while we stopped and had to clean the blood before his mom got home. He said he loved me and was going to break up with my friend. Me and my friend dont talk anymore, but me and the guy i had sex with are happily married and are in collage study in ourr speacialties

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience