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Fun in the Park

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Park bench
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

It was a hot day in august. I was a big boy and geeky too. Noone talked to me bcus i was a looser. But this girl tiffany. she was such a skank hoe. she was puerto rican and she thought u was pretty but she really wasnt came up to me and said “hey there big boy wanna go for a ride” then i was like what do u mean. and then she was like “lets take a walk in the park” i said yes. we walked for about 10 minutes before she began to touch my big butt. i felt very awkward, but i liked it. then she lay down on a park bench and spread her legs and said “put it in me big boy” i was really nervous though. i didnt know what to do. i have never had sex with anyone and was very self conciuos about my small hairy dick. i mean as an asian i dont have a huge one. and it was very hairy like my eyebrows. so i was like really nervous.she told me to take off her underwear and i did even though her pussy looked like a dirt road or something cus she had bristly hair growing back. but i was so desperate to get sum. that i went for it and stuck my little penis in her. and she moaned in satisfaction. people started starting. especially this big white girl. she had a huge wide ass. i think her name was heather. she looked wanted sum too. she started screaming “hit that,,.,,hit that!!!!!! chin chong” and then she came over and asked to join. and i said hell no bitch u too big. and she was like okayy ur lost. so i kept gong at it with tiff. and all these hobos kept watching. and in particular there was this one that kept staring and jaccking off. i kept grinding into her. she said do me harder do me harder and i trried all my might with my little penis. finally she began to moan again and then i came. bad thing is that i didnt use a condom. so like i was really afraid that i could have gooten her pregnant. sadly, i did but like 2 month later she miscarriage. i was really happy. so was she, so we kepy having sex. protected this time. and we ddecided to add the big girl heather and have a thressome. i truly am the luckiest geek ever!!!!!!1

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