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fun on the beach

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: california
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I was seventeen and school had just go out and my parents
were desiding what to do for summer vacation well they desieded
that we were going to southern california to the beach ,stay in an
hotel room for like three weeks so we had just got there we
all were tired and wanted to go to bed but we went to a resternt
to eat frist at the restrunt i saw this beautiful guy walk in and i just
just lookin at him and then i saw this women sit down next to him
well she looked a little young for him but i was probly younger
so i eat dinner and they were still there we left ther and my dad
supprized me this year i was findely going to get my own hotel room
well this was so cool for me i asked him if i could call some
people from back home and tell them well they could not
belive it i houng up the phone and was wanting somthing to
drink and needed to get ice so i walked up to the ice machine
and it did not work i was hitting the dam thing and then the man from
the restrunt walked up with and ice cup and then he asked my if i would
hold it while he pluged in the thingwe were talking for a while
and the women in the restrunt was not his gril friend he said that he was lookin
at me the hole time and i was so amazed he asked if it would be ok
if we met at the beach the nexed day of cource i said yes
well we went earlier than we thought it was about five or four in
the morning and we were there at the beach i was waering white shorts
and my bra and white shirt we were laying there and he said that
i was beautiful and i was being a little flirt with my little virgin ass
well he kissed me all over and used his toung it felt real good
he took off his shirt and i rubbed his muscler chest and it felt good
he asked if i would goback to his hotel and watch tv i told his know i better not just in case of my parents
so he gave the other key and the phone number to the room i called him and was talking sluty
and the next day we spent all day to gether then my parents told me and him that there were going site seein
that was the sign that they were going to be gone along time so i recomeited his
last nite offer we went to his hotel room and to my suprize it was clean
well he told off all his stuff and then he took mine off licked me all over
i grabbed his ball licked them i masterbated his and then licked him clean
it was good he stuck his dick i side me and pulled in and out then faster and harer
and i was yellin and screming loud we did it every where it th bed
itn the shower on the table in the chairany where we had fun alot when i had to leave
he gave me his home number and well we cept in contack and then he came
to see me and i was so happy well after that i was goin to collage in southren california so
i desided that mabey we could move in to gether and he liked that
idea well we still live together now and we want to have a baby
so ya me and scott go married i love him so much he was im frist and
my last


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