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Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: my apartment
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

A virgin at 23. I must be extremely ugly or a huge prude? Neither are the case. I have three words for you. Southern-Baptist-raised. I was the kid that stood at the front of the church WITH MY PARENTS vowing I would wait til I was married. I owned my virginity. I boasted about it, and placed it on an enormous pedestal. I completely stood by this decision until, where else, college. At 21, I started dating this guy that I wanted so much, but I still held back because I wanted to at least be in love. It was after him, and after I moved to New York that I decided I wasn’t going to wait until marriage or even “my first great love”. Clearly neither of those were going to happen soon, and now that I wasn’t super religious girl, I was slightly embarassed to be now 23, and a virgin in the city. Plus I was horny as hell. That’s when I met “G” on St. Patrick’s Day while walking to a bar in New York. Instant attraction. This never happens to me. I’m too picky, and very easily turned off by guys. But he was perfect. I was determined to kiss this guy that night. I turned on the charm, and by the end of the night, he came home with me. We didn’t have sex. I still couldn’t do it. A month later, we met up again and I found out the reason it had taken a month to get back together is because he has a girlfriend of 6 YEARS. Naturally I felt extremely guilty that I had been “the other woman”, and that night he did come over, but again, no sex. Just…everything else. After that, I was determined not see him again. Until late one random night a few months later, I got home to my apt, I was lonely and tipsy, and still a virgin. I text messaged him telling him to come over. He responded and did just that. We went to a nearby bar and had a few drinks. In that hour, I decided after 23 years of patiently waiting and agonizing over every detail of my “first time”, I was going to just fucking do it. I brought him back to my apartment, took off his clothes, he took off mine, and I had sex for the first time. I didn’t tell him it was my first time. How could I? im 23. And what was I supposed to do- go through my history with him on how I was raised and how I had changed? No thanks. Luckily, it didn’t really hurt for me. I didn’t orgasm or even come close. But I did it! And again the next morning! Unmarried, un-in love, un-sober, with an unavailable man. Not the way I imagined it would go down standing in front of my church 10 years ago. He still doesn’t know I was a virgin. And I haven’t seen him since. Almost 6 months ago now. A few text messages here and there. I think he’s trying to be faithful to his girlfriend, or thats what I’d like to think. I don’t regret it at all, I just want to do it again! And I haven’t met anyone that I want to do it with except him. I opened the flood gates. Shit.

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