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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: His room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was everything i always wanted it to be. To start i was only 13, and it was 2 days after thanksgiving. I was about to turn 14 in about 4 days. He was 15. We were only dating for a month but it felt so much longer than that.

I remember my friends sister picking me up from my house to take me to my boyfriends so my mom would not get suspicious. It was getting dark and when we drove we went to my friends for about an hour and she walked down there with me. I was so nervous my stomach was all clenched. I knocked on his door and he let me in.

His room had dim lights and a candle burning. He lightly kissed me and took it slow, until before i knew it we were on the bed and he was feeling me up. I was self conscious but in his arms i felt so confident. When he was about to stick it in he slipped a condom on and put it in. It was a pain a never felt before. I remember myself screaming OW! inside my head.

We were both really nervous because we were losing our virginity’s to each other. He held my hand the whole time through it because he knows it hurt and outside, there were fireworks in the distance. After about 30 min he stopped and we went again. The bond that night between us got stronger and i cried after becuase i felt so special. Unfortunately in januaray we broke up but i will never regret my first time and always know him as my first real love.

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