Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
My first time happened in the summer between 5th and 6th grade. I matured very early and got the attention of some local boys. I was home alone talking online to my friends older brother online and I invited over to go for a swim.
We were swimming and then all of the sudden he kissed me and we started making out. Things got pretty intense, so I said we should go inside and make out on the couch. I went up to my room to change into some dry clothes and then he came upstairs and he said I looked good in my bra and panties. We made out more on my bed and I took my bra off so he could kiss my breasts. Then he said we should have sex and I said no at first but he really wanted it! To make it worse he didn’t even have a condom. He asked when my last period was and I told him last week and he said I would get pregnant then. I still told him no but he stated fingering me and kissing me so I agreed…..
I laid on my back and he slid himself in. It hurt so bad and I was soo worried my parents would come home.I couldn’t believe what i was doing. i was trying to think about something else and waiting until it was over. He started grunting very loud and I knew what happened. He got up and walked out soon after, I felt soo dirty and used.
I was determined to keep it a secret but everybody heard what happened. To make it worse my mom was doing my laundry and found his sperm in my underwear. She went hysterical and we both cried together. She and I spent the next few weeks worried that I was pregnant (I wasn’t THANK GOD). The whole thing was a big mistake on my part and I shouldn’t have been afraid to say no.