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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Gandmothers home
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Gay

Well, living in a medium sized city in NorthWest Louisiana, and, growing up in what was supposed to be a conservative family, I was somewhat shocked when my grandmother first asked me about my experience with boys.
Well, once I recovered from the shock, grams explained to me, that, as a fairly young widow, she could never truly trust that the men her age were not after her money, so, she had taken a much younger lover named Mike who, she trusted, and who she knew was not after her money.
Well, Grams always wanted her kids and grandkids to be really in touch with life, and, just prior to my 18th Birthday, asked me if I was a Virgin. After I recovered from the shock, I assured her that I was still a “good girl” and that the nuns at my all girl school in Shreveport woud approve of my lifestyle.
She laughed, and said that while my mom had been raised that way, she realized that we were now in the late ’70’s and that things had indeed changed.
After the big family celebration for my 18th BD, Grams invited me to her home the following weekend. Mike was there, and Grams asked me if I was interesting in “learning to become a woman, and all that meant?” Well, timidly, I said yes, but, “How?”
Grams then said, that if I agreed, Mike would spend as much time as I wanted and instruct me in all the skills I needed to learn.
Since I was three glasses of champaigne into the evening, I agreed that the idea was certainly one I would love to explore, if Grams was OK with it.
Well, shortly after, Grams led me to her bedroom, let me in, and, then class began.
Mike was in the room and the only light was candles. He asked me if I was really OK with what was going on, and, I said,”Yes!”
He then, drew me in and gave me the sexiest kiss I could ev er imagine, and, then, cupped my breasts, and slowly moved me onto the huge queen sized bed. He totally touched each inch of my body, and, then began slowly removing every stich of clothing as I trembled, and loved it at the same time.
After bringing me to multiple orgasims by paying special attention to my clit and pussy with his tongue and fingers, he came back up, kissed me deeply, and asked if I wanted to go farther.
As I whimpered, “Yes”, he kissed me deeply, and then moved above me, and, slowly began to enter me. At the time, I had no idea that his 9 inches were really big and that he was REALLY THICK, I just knew that as he slowly took me, I WAS IN HEAVEN. He went very slow, allowing me to get used to his taking me, getting quickly over the slight pain, and, become quickly overcome with the intense experience of being filled to the maximum with a cock that streatched me beyond anything I could have ever imagined, and then, the intense pleasure that began to grow, and ultimately ELPLODE in multple orgasims. When he came inside me, the heat of his sperm sent me over the edge again.(Grams had made sure that I had just finished my period prior to our encounter so I was safe and could enjoy the full experience)
After about a half hour, we began to experiment again, and over the next 12 hours, I learned several positions, and the art of oral sex, both giving and receiving.
Later the next day, Grams and Mike told me that while they were alway there talk and share, that by agreement, there would not be anymore sexual contact. Grams and Mike told me that, as a woman, I needed to know that, while guys were always after the same thing, if I kept in mind that, I WAS IN CONTROL, I COULD DICTATE WHERE THINGS WENT!!That is a promise that they kept for over 20 years, until, following a devasting divorce, where I found that I had been cheated on for years, Grams asked Mike to help rebuild my confidence, and lets just say,HE SURELY DID.
I know that Grams shared Mike with several of her friends over the years, and I have ofen wondered if other grand daughters enjoyed the initiation into woman hood that I did.
Next month, my daughter turns 18, and I can imagine no greater gift than the one Grams gave me.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience