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Gays Have Always Been Scouts

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Tent at Scout Camp
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Gay

Here in 2013 the news stories tell us that the Boy Scouts opf America may be ready to accept gays as Scouts. Let me tell you something — homosexuals have always been a part of Scouting and always will be.

I had my first gay experience when I was 14. Phil T______ and I were on a camping with our troop, and we were in a tent together at night — very close — and he ended up sucking my cock. I really enjoyed it, and reciprocated the pleasure with Phil that same nights, and several other nights we were together. We grew up together and went through high school as buddies. We were frequently at each other’s homes where we secretly fucked in each other’s rooms. Our parents had no idea, for a long time, what was going on.

Then we went off to college and made sure we were roommates, so we could continue to have sex. We enjoyed each other’s bodies and never bothered anybody else. We finally “came out” in college, and we’ve been together ever since. Phil is a doctor. I’m an Architect. We live together in our home in the suburbs.

We learned a lot of skills in the Boy Scouts, as well as love and fair play and to treat each other with dignity and respect. Scouting taught us a lot. Yes, we learned what sex was all about in that tent, but where do other teenagers learn about their sexuality? It is different for all of us — but it’s not “wrong” just because it’s different.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience