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Gee and Nai

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Me and my girlfriend had been dating for nearly a year. She was my first relationship; we’d started out by just being curious as to what it was like fir girl to kiss a girl. We had our first kiss on her bed and I feel for her instantly. We began a gay relationship after realising we are both bisexual. We had made out and stuff. We had fun in our relationship! The first time we made love, we started by – this is gonna sound funny! – having sex with clothes on. Then we slowly went down to our underwear until we were completely comfortable to be naked around each other. My point is, it’s okay to have a giggle and fun with sex – we did too! :B I’ll never regret my first time! We shortly split up, dated other people and then when we were both single again, got back together. I love you, Nai. My beautiful girlfriend~

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