Well where to begin, Ok my first time happened there recently, I had been going out with my GF for about 2 months, but we had been best friends for over a year before that. WE had gone through a load of rough times together and well decided that we loved each other enough to start going out.
Well it all happened when My GF rang me at about 9 am and wanted to know did I wnat to meet, I was in bed asleep at the time and barely managed to pick up th e phone {hmmmm Im pretty damn glad that I did now !!!} Well I walked into town to meet her, and She was lookin remarkably sexy, her figure was showing just perfectly and she had my buttons pushed from the word go. While we were walkin around talkin She said that she was tired and that she was sorry for wakin me up. And suggested that we go out to my house and go to bed for one of our casusal naps.
When we got back to my house we went up stairs to my room, a climbed into bed we spent a good few hours just talkin and kissing, I then went to the get us some food and when I came back my GF was lying on the bed in white panies and bra. I couldnt take it any more I was about to explode. I was as hard as a rock. I lay down beside her and started to kiss her inner thigh, moving all the way up until I reached her panties, I then skipped up to her bellly where, I slowly began kissing, upwards until I reached her bra. I fiddled with the hooks on the back but eventually I got her bra off, and playfully began kissing her breasts and rolling my tongue around her nipple. She slowly started to man and began undoing my pants. She had them on the floor in no time and before I knew it she was down sucking me off. it took about 8 minutes for me to cum all over her, so please with what she had done for me, I not only felt the need to return the favour but was obliged to. So I wnet down on her and began to eat her out. A good half hour later, and she was bucking back and forward, wanting more. We were now both very naked, and she said that she wanted me inside of her, so I slowly eased my way in making sure she was ok. Then pop went her Cherry and it was time for the pleasure to begin. We continued to make love long into the night before resting in each others arms.
I am still deeply in love with my GF, and we have been practising our techniques ever since that day. My advice would for every1 to wait until they know that the person they are going to be with is the right one, iresspective of pressure. Good nite all