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Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: My Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My friend, we’ll call her Ali, was coming over to stay the night. When she finally got here, we played video games for awhile and then decided to go to my room downstairs and talk. She sat down on the edge of the bed and picked up a magazine while I was hunting through my closet for a sweater she had lent me last week. My mom as always bothering me about picking up my room. But on with the story, I gave up looking after awhile and told Ali we’d find it in the morning. We flipped on the tv and hopped into bed. We were both wide awake after the movie had ended and started talking about the guys we liked, which of course, led to masterbaiting and how neither of us wanted to admit to doing it. Then Ali asked if I had ever humped anything, I laughed and said no, thinking nothing of it. But when Ali asked me if I wanted to try humping another girl I couldn’t turn her down. God, i’m so glad I didn’t. She climbed right on top of me and started to rub her wet pussy into mine. I get sssssoooooooo wet when I even think about it anymore! Then slowly we undressed to just panties and continued to rub our clits together. I remember feeling her sucking on my tits (I was an early bloomer) I was so fucking horny by then. Ali knew it. She went down on me and started to nibble my clit. OH GOD, I WAS IN HEAVEN!!!!!!! Tho oddly enough the dog walked in on us and Ali moved out of the way, calling the dog over to us. I asked her to go close the door and she did. I was lying there wet as hell and our Doberman -Panzer- came over and started to sniff my tight virgin snatch. I was really shocked, but his cold nose felt so good against my hot pussy that I just let him lick me. I had never let him -or anyone else- do this, but I didn’t have the controll to tell him to stop. After a bit Ali pulled him away and hopped onto me. I don’t know how Ali knew all of this at the age of 11, but she was good. Really good. After 20 seconds with her rubbing her pussy onto mine and me bucking my hips back at her, we orgasmed together. IT WAS SSSSSO EROTIC!! The feeling of her juices flowing with mine was amazing, some of hers even sliping into my snatch. I hate to end it like this, but Ali and I just cleaned up and went to sleep. The next morning we talked about it and decided that we shouldn’t do it again. I was a little worried about everything, just knowing in the back of my mind that this wasn’t what i was supposed to be doing at 11. Ali moved away the fallowing spring, as we said our goodbyes and her car pulled out of the driveway she looked at me, feeling as tho she was looking through me i was a little shocked. When someone just drives away it’s so final, but as they turned the corner onto the highway, she winked at me. I’m still a vrigin if you’re wondering, and haven’t been with any other girls. But my bf is pressing me to give it up. I’ll let you know what happens.

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