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Girls Night Out

Age when it happend: 30
Where it happened: Ford truck
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

For my 30th birthday, 3 friends of mine and I decided to have a “Girls Night Out.” We went to this lounge where they had male dancers — college guys with great bodies that stripped down to the bare essentials. While there, we had a few drinks, and there was this one guy who was dancing nearby, in a thong that could barely conceal his obviously erect male member. The next thing we knew he was flashing it in front of our table. The object, of course, was to get us to stuff bills ($1.00, $5.00, or $10.00) into his thong. I was having a good time, and the guy looked absolutely scrumptious, and so I reached into my purse and pulled out a $5.00 bill, and tucked it in along the upper rim of his thong. In the process, I accidentally brushed the side of his penis, ever so briefly, but it sent shivvers down my spine. He smiled and said “thank you”. We stayed a couple of hours, had a few drinks, watched all the guys perform and then left. We were out in the parking lot, starting to get in our car, when this young guy who had been dancing in the thong, came up to the car, smiling, and said, “It’s your birthday, tonight, eh?” I smiled back and said, “Yes, and we really liked the show.” Then, to my amazement, he asked me if I didn’t want to go with him for a little extra birthday gift. I asked him what he meant, and all he said was, “You know — why not have a little fun and make it a really great evening.” I was crazy to leave my friends, but after having several drinks that night, I was in an adventurous mood, and so, I got in this new red Ford pick-up truck with him, and we drove out of town a few miles and parked. Then we began to make out. To make a long story short, we both got naked, and I let him fuck me there on the big bench seat of the truck! I never before had done anything like that in my life. That erect penis of his was a good 9″ and I simply could not resist it. He did use a condom, which covered only part of his erection, and he made me cum several times! Afterwards he simply smiled and said, “Happy Birthday!” Then he drove me home, and after saying, “Thanks for a great fuck!” he drove off. My husband wondered if I had a good time with the girls that night,and I simply said “Yes, it was a great evening”, and then I snuggled close to him and went to sleep!

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