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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Friends House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

It was a friday in june, the day after school and i was going to spend the night at my friends house, we can call him Sam. He was having a two other friends over, Rob and James. His sister, Katie was also having three freinds over. She was 12 and was a very cute girl with a nice body. When i asrived at sams house Rob and james were already there and and so were Katies friends, Amy and Lauren. Katie and her friends went upstairs to talk in there room and we went down stairs to play playstation. After about an hour Sams mom comes down and tells us she has to leave the houseto do some various erends and visit her mother in a nursing home wich is about an hour away. it was 1:00 and she said she would be gone untill 9:00 but that sams dad would be home at 8:00. She gave sam two twenties and told him he could order pizza for us and Katies friends when we got hungry. She leaves and we go back down stairs and in a few hort minutes katie and her friends came down. They asked if they could play the game with us but we said there were only 4 controlers. Katie then sugested that we played truth or dare. At this point i glanced over at Katies chest and her nicley developed breasts. So we all got into a circle and we started. The game was realativley boring. Just a few kisses and dumb dares, untill Rob dared amy to take off her shirt and bra. She dint and i shifted my position to hide my now hard cock. Several more dares went by and all the girls ended up taking off there shirts. Then Amy dared me to take of my pants and stick my cock next to Katies face. I did this and tehy were all surprised on how big my cock was. I then dared Katie to suck my cock. well by this time i was so hard it did not take her long to make me cum. She swalowed it all. well by this time every one in the group was gettign really horny and started taking off there clothes. At that time it was 3 and we still had 5 hours untill any parents came home. Now there were 8 naked horny bodies in the room. I was eatting Katie out so bad. She was moaning and screaming and the otehrs were doing simmilar activities Then sam decided that we should each take our girls up into one of the rooms. Katie and i went into her room. We started talking about sex and lossing her virginity. We decided to go all the way and i reached into my back pocket to take out my wallet. It wasnt there. My condoms were in my wallet and my wallet was in my dresser. No! i told katie but she camley went into her underware drower and took out one. She said she had always hoped this would happened and was prepred. She put it on me and i slowley, as to not hurt her, put my cock into her tight vagina. She let out a small scream and then a sigh as i took away her virginity. I started pumping and pumping. We ahd sex 4 times in those last 4 hours and know whenever i am sleeping over i make sure i had my wallet and we enjoyed many pleasurable moments. I never was caught and never plan to be. She is the love of my life and i will never forget that first time.

The names mentioned in this following confesion are edited to protect the identities of several conspiritors – /

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