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God father

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: their home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I was 16, one Friday when I Got Home afternoon after practice ,
there was a message from my older brother to call him. He asked
if I could go over to their place the next day to help them
out. I said I would after morning practice, he said he would
pick me up since I didn’t drive yet.

When we got to their home, my sisterinlaw offered us refreshments
and we sat arround catching up on the goings on. They asked
me questions about school, the team, and my girl friends.
My B wanted to know if I was seeing anyone steady, if I had sex
yet. I told them i had been out with several girls but was still
a virgin. They both seemed kinda pleased at this. I wondered why.
My B started to explain that they had been trying to have a child
for six years with no luck. They had all kinds of tests and found
out that my SIL was fertile but my B whad a very low sperm
count. They had tried just abiut everything except artifical
insemination, which was very expensive and not covered by their

Well here is where I come in. They asked me how would I like
to be God Father to thier baby. I said sure. My SIL asked if
I would help them get a baby. sure. She explained they had a
idea since my genes were as close as any to my Bers I would be
the likley donnor. The process would be very expensive, so
they had talked over and thought they might have a better way.

Would I be willing to donate my sperm the old fashion way. They
would give me a little time to think about it and we would talk

mean while B and me did some things aroond the house and my SIL
got dinner. Things looked and smelled great as we sat down for
dinner. Mostly small at dinner. after dinner my B and I cleaned
up the dishes, while my SIL went to take a shower, we were
watching TV when my SIL came back into the room. She was dressed
in a champain colored short nitey with spagetti straps which
hung on her body showing every gorgious line
, the points of her nipples pushed out the fabric which flowed
over her full hips. She smelled so clean. Her eyes met mine
she knew I was feasting on her every curve.

She sat in the rocker accros from us and asked if I had a chance
to think over their propasition. I could see my brother waiting
for my reaction and answer. My answer was what else but YES.

They both seemed releived and happy and went on to epxplain that
a women had a time each month when she was most likely to consive
and this was her time. My brother suggested we take showers
and meet back in the master bedroom. I went off to the shower in
in the family bath while he took his in the master bath. I came
into the room wrapped only in a towel. My cock was semi hard
knowing what was a head for it. my SIL was spread out on the bed
waiting ,smiling ; she looked radiant. Only candles lit the room
as my Bwalked in still drying off from his shower. I settled
on one side of the bed he on the other with her between us.

She kissed my brother then me. Our kiss started off sisterly
but soon got more passionate and deeper then our toungs met ,
my mouth opened she explored it, I sucked her tounge. Mean while
my B was exploring her body sliding her gown up past her navel
I was see my first real live pussy. My hands found her breasts
and i carresed them through the silky fabric of her gown at
the same time sliding it up so I could see her spiking nipples
my lapped at them, my B kissed her again long and deep her hand
found mine and brought it to her bush, I slid my hand over her
mound to her lower lips,I slipped one finger in, she was warm and
slick. I moved my finger in and out added another then a third
I found her clit moved my thumb over the little ball, her reactions
spurred me on , I was exploring a wonderful new previosly only
dreamed about world.

She reached for my cock, it had never been harder, and wanted to
explode at her first touch, but I held and the great feeling as she
moved up and down continued. My B had moved his lips to her breasts
and she was moaning. She pulled my cock toward her pussy and my
body followed her lead up and over her, she sped her legs and I
settled between them. She guide me into to her, I never dreamed
how warm and soft and smooth and slick and wonderfull it could be.
I moved in and out and in again and shouted I’m coming I’m coming,
and boy did i cum and cum. Six or seven hard shots rockected out
before i slowed and pumped a couple more. she groaned and clamped her
mucseles tight around me and shook under me before i just collapased
onto her. She stroked my back and we kissed , I rolled out and off her,.

My Brother gave my ass a quick pat well done, he raised up and inserted
his hard cock where mine had just left.

An hour later he left for the mid night shift. I stayed all night and
fucked three more tmes. What a way to become a Godfather .

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience