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Golden Oldie

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Girlfriends house
Langauge: ENGLISH
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

From a very young age I realized that I had communication skills with girls / women that most young boys did not acquire until at least mid teens (or even later). It is neccessary to understand this fact in order to understand what happened.
I had discovered the thrill and excitement of feeling a girls breasts some 2 years earlier…sure they werent adult sized breasts, but to a young lad they were great. Because of my ability to mix with members of the opposite sex, regardless of age, I was actually sought after for “intelligent” male company..understand that most boys my then age preferred non female involvement.
This particulat day I had called at my girlfriends house, and her mother told me that my firlfriend was out with her father for the afternoon, but I could wait with her till they came home. I had already formed a very positive relationship with my G/F mother and we got on very well together….. Any it was suggested that I wait in their lounge room, whilst she had a quick shower and prepared herself for a night out with her husband that night… My girlfriend was actually going to stay at my place whilst they were out…. From my position in the lounge room I could see my G/F mother go into the bathroom and later come out wrapped in a towel an another wrapped around her wet hair. This sight was enough to set my imagination into action… A few minutes later I heard my G/G/mother call me from her bedroom, asking me to come and help her choose a dress (this was not a new activity for me with any female). Any way after holding up several dresses she held one that I suggested would look nice up to her still towel covered body, and whilst she as “modelling it” either intentionally or accidentally allowed the towel to fall from her breasts, and in the process of grabbing the towell dropped the dress, and grabbing the dress again allowed the towel fall all the way from her body. I saw and felt this as a very funny situation, watching this grown women (mid 30’s) trying to cover up and making a real hash of it all. The short end of the story was that she joined in with the laughter and sat on the end of the bed, next to me trying to explain what had happenned and ensuring that I had mot become affected by what I had seen…… I can recall very clearly being bold enough (through lack of experience) explaining to her that all was well, female nakedness was not unknown to me (we were not a shy family) and that I thought she had an attractive body and nice shaped breasts ( I had the feeking that the word tits would have made her angry). Then she asked me would I like to feel them, which I did, and within moments I was sucking on my first fully grown breast, and whilst I was doing this she had placed her hand into my jeans (after undoing my zipper and buttons and was fondling my cock. I can tell you no good a young girl is, an experienced women wins hands down. I discovered some years later that her religious views stopped her from actually fucking me, but we lay on the bed and she placed my cock between her legs, permitting me to feel her body. I actually climaxed in her pubic hair. I cannoy remember how we finished up, but I do recall that this episode did not affect the relationship I had with her or her household, and on more than one occassion before I left hone at 18 years,I shared moments of breast fondling with this woman.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience