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Good ol dro

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Beach house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

One day a small party happened at a beach house a was sitting for some friends (he was cool with it) but a police officer began passing the house to much. So we left and hid my pipe. A month later a missouri girls car broke down infront of it. I invited her in to get a tow truck companys numbr. She dropped her purse and i saw a baggy i held it laughing and said ” u know i have lukemia to” and so smooth she said “well its a good thing im here” but she was out of papers. So i ran around looking for my pipe. When we got shitfaced i fell by her on the bed. Not purposelly my hand began to stroke her thigh she began to stroke me. I looked over and we simply made out for ten munites. She then undid my shorts and gave me head PERFECTLY. But because of the dro i didn’t cum. I then gave her tongue. She came so much. Then i pulled her pants all the way down. I reached for her panties but hestated. She smiled so beautifully. I then went at her i was a little timid (id never evenfelt a girl up befor) then after maybe 35 munites she came i did so five munits later. After that we took vision to got not up. Then showered together. I sucked her tits (c-cup at least) Jennifer…i never even got her last name

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