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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: my friend's mother's house following her mother's wedding
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I was asked to accompany the girl i had been fooling around with, M, to her mother’s wedding. The rather awkward part of it was that the girl that i had just broken up with was also attending the wedding with M’s cousin. following the reception we went to drink and stay M’s mother’s house, all four of us. after drinking heavily, i went with M to her room and started messing about. while we were bare ass naked, she got up of the bed stood up and said, “you know i’m not going to give you head.” i replied with, “whatever.” she took that the wrong way and told me that she would get my ex and she could do it for me. i once again replied with, “whatever.” so to my surprise she put a towel on and left the room, i thought she was playing a joke on me. when the door opened i had expected to see M, but no. the door swung open and standing there was my ex naked as the day she was born. i wasn’t about to argue and before i could say anything she climbed into bed and started to blow me. then the girl who had told me the whole time we spent together that she was waiting for marriage proceeded to push herself on me and i embraced her gratefully. i’m not going to lie, when we actually started having sex it was drunken and awkward. it hurt her and i had no idea what to do. i had been watching porn for years but the real thing was not as easy as it looks the first time around. in the end it wasn’t bad at all, we eventually got a hang of the basics and it lasted longer then i had expected for the first time (that was probably due to the copious amounts of alcohol i had consumed). it wasn’t what i had expected for my first time, but i had a story for the ages and was the envy of all my friends for quite some time.

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