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Grade 7

Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was in greade 7 all I thought abut were girls… I think I alwasy had an erection. There was one girl named Gina that had the beginings of breats that I thought was totally hot…

Well, she came over to work on a project one afternoon after school. And, of course I got an erection… she kinda giggle and made soem comment about boys! Well, I told her it was really her fault and she said why? I said it was because she was cute and had bumps on her chest. She said they were very small bumps so I asked for proof. We were in my room and she offered to show me if I showed her my penis. I jumped at the chance. SHe took off her cotton tshirt and thin ‘training bra’… man – real tits! they were really just bumps, but she let me touch them. The aereolas where starting to get bigger than a small girl. WHen I touched them, her nipples got hard. Then she told me I had to show her my penis…. poinggg, out it came. SHe touched it, rubbed it a bit and said she’d show me her vagina if I liked. If I liked, of course I would!!! she dropped her shorts and panties (light yellow) and I got to see a pussy!!! I was in heaven!! She even had a bit of hair ‘down there’ to my totally bald penis. she laid back and held her lips apart for me to see all her goodies…. man oh man…. I ddin’t want to poke her but I did ask if I coudl stick it in her bum. She said it woudl be ok so I did!!! all the way!!! she put her face on a pillow and stuck her ass inthe air for me to do it…. we then masturbated together to orgasm. Nothing really scame out in the way of semen but it still felt great. She even gacve me her panties as a momento…. we did stuff liek that for a cuple of years. I got hair a few months later and she started to shave about a year later….

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience