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Graduate School Sex

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Uncle's home
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My Dad’s younger brother, my Uncle Bill, and his wife Cindy were very gracious when, after college, I wanted to go to graduate school in Ann Arbor, Michigan and they offered to let me stay in their home for those three years — with no room and board required. Naturally I accepted their offer, and my Mother and ad were very pleased, too.

It worked out perfectly. Well, almost perfectly.

That first year, there were no problems. I kept to my room an awful lot, studying hard and not paying too much attention to Bill and Cindy, except at evening meal times and in the mornings during breakfast. Once in awhile, I did hear them in bed at night. Their sex life seemed VERY satisfying for them both.

Then, that second year, I began to notice my Uncle Bill was paying more attention to me than usual, when Cindy was not around. At 35, he is a very nice “hunk” of a guy, and we started just kidding around a lot — about any boyfriends I might have (I had none),his telling me about some of his “exploits” when he was in college.

One Saturday afternoon, when Cindy was shopping, things got a little out of hand, and we wound up, naked in bed. It had started out innocent enough, but the next thing we knew, we were fucking! Hard! And it felt so good — for both us us.

That first time generated into weekly sessions — and then twice a week. He always used a condom, but then began to ask me if I wasn’t on birth control. I wasn’t, so he suggested I might get some help with that at the college clinic for girls. Soon I was on the pill, and he was dispensing with condoms. This felt even better — for both of us.

We both knew it was wrong, but we just couldn’t help ourselves. He and Cindy were still having their own sex regularly, too, because I kept hearing them at night in the bedroom next to mine.

Somehow, we managed not to get caught, and we just acted pretty normally when the three of us were together. (They had no kids and wanted none — at least not at that time).

I was there a total of three years, and for at least two of those years, I kept Uncle Bill pretty happy.Our sex together was very intense. There were times when we didn’t want to stop, but had to because Cindy was coming home.

When I graduated, Bill and Cindy had a big party for me, with my parents, a few other relatives, and a lot of my friends there. And believe it or not, since this was my last day there, Bill and I went out to get more refreshments, telling everyone we wouldn’t be gone long, and on the way back, we stopped for one last fuck — in his truck. A twenty minute quickie! Oh, my God, it was good!!

And then I returned home to Marquette, and to job hunting.

I’m still hoping I haven’t had my last sex with Bill yet. It is so wonderful when he’s inside me!

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