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Graduation Summer

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Parent's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

He was my brother’s best friend. I worshiped him like my I worshiped my brother as I suppose all little sisters worship older people. Since he was eight year older than I was he was already in grad school when I started thinking about sex. I was put off my guys my age because they seemed so immature and yet I really wanted to have sex. I decided he would be the one. Unfortunately he didn’t come back to my town until the following summer after my high school graduation. Finally the house was empty for the day and I invited him over. He was surprised that I was there alone but started talking with me anyway. I kept innocently touching and bumping into him. I finally kissed him, he was surprised but modestly responded before pulling away blushing. A little later I got him into my bedroom on the pretense of showing him some stuff for my dormroom. I left him on the bed while I quickly ran into the closet where I put on some lingere I bought for the occassion. He was surprised and with a little encouragement I soon was no longer a virgin.

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