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Greg and Rosie

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: His room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

OK I was sixteen and it was the holidays. My boyfriend had left for college, and he had split up with me, so I was bored, and frustrated (though we had not had sex fully) laying on my bed, listening to music and leafing through a magazine. I heard a truck pull up, so leaned up to look out the window, and there was a self drive Luton van outside the empty house across the street, with a station wagon on an A bar at the back. A young woman got out. She was petit, with long dark hair in a pony tail, a vest top and tight blue jeans.

As she went into the house, a very small car (I later found out it was British, a Mini), drove up and this really cute boy got out! He had curly blond hair, was wearing a t shirt and cut off denim shorts. While quite short, he was very fit. I found my interest really warming up. When he opened the trunk of the car and bent over to take something out of it, I got wet looking at his firm round butt in those shorts. `I wonder what he looks like naked?’ I thought!

The two of them began carrying stuff out of the truck to the house so being neighbourly I went down and offered to help. It took us an hour to get everything shifted, and then we had to move it all from the hallway, into the rooms. Their names were Greg and Julie. They were both starting at the College in town at the next semester. Julie then went off to return the truck, and Greg had to go sort some other stuff out, so I said goodbye. Just as I was going though, Greg said that he was free tomorrow, and would I have time to show him round?

As soon as Julie left for work I went over to Gregs, hoping to catch him still in bed or not dressed yet. He was having breakfast and wearing a tight t shirt and black jeans. He looked great and I wanted to grab him, but was too shy. After a coffee, (“I thought American kids did not drink caffeine?”
“There are lots of things we are not supposed to do!” I replied, smiling naughtily.), we got into his cute little car, (and that thing is fast!). I took him all round the town, especially where my high school was, and the college. As there is not much of it, we were back within two hours. While we were having a drink, he said “What do you want to do now?”

“Don’t mind” I said. “What do you suggest?”

“Well the polite answer would be, “take you up to my room and make passionate love to you”.

I was not shocked! Just excited, so said, “And the impolite answer?”

“I want to fuck your brains out!”

In a second I was up close and personal, with my hands round his waist. “I want you to do that version!”

So we did!

In not much time we were in his room and completely naked, on the bed. At some point I told him it was my first time, and he became very caring and considerate. I assured him I wanted this to happen, and am glad he was so well equipped and experienced. I knew already that his body was great. His dick was very big, stiff and straight; and he knew what to do with it!

Before we actually got together, he kissed, caressed and played with me, and I had many orgasms. After he had eaten me out for ages, I made him lie on his back while I explored and blew him. Then he suggested I straddle him, and go at my own pace. Sliding down his penis did not hurt at all; just felt wonderful. After that we had a really great time, using many positions. We had to take showers a couple few times, as we got so hot and sticky! And that bum of his is all I hoped it was, big, muscular and wonderful to hold onto while he is fucks me!

We have become a couple, and make love now, as often as we can. Its really great, and just keeps getting better.

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