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Gues Who’s Coming To Dinner

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: His apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

The local playhouse group in our town was putting on the play, “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner,” and where having some difficulty in casting the main leads for the roles of John Prentiss, the black doctor and Joanna, his white love interest and fiancee. I decided to try out for the part of Joanna, anmd was pleasantly surprised when Daniel Carter, a young black professor at our local University was cast as r. Prentiss. He was a living doll. Even more handsome than Sidney Poitier was in the movie version.Well, there were a few kissing scenes in the script, but I had no prejudices whatsoever, and, as it turned out, they turned out just fine. We made them feel very realistic, and after three or four rehearsals, I detected a very nice “package” pressing into me, which really turned me on, and i reciprocated during the next rehearsal by pushing into him pretty strongly during these scenes. Well,after that Daniel invited me out for coffee and small talk following one evening’s rehearsal, and then we began doing this quite regularly. It was nearing dress rehearsal time, that he drove me back to his apartment, and we ended up naked in bed together.And we had the most wonderful sex! My God, could he fuck! I’d had several sexual encounters in college, but I had never been fulfilled like this before. It was a heavenly experience that lasted for a couple hours. And I’ve never seen an erect penis quite so large. It must have been at least 10″. Don’t say that size does not matter, because it does.At least it does with me. Since that night, we have had sex numerous times together.I absolutely love him!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience