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gunther 2 the real one

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

hey my names gunther this site is filled with unrealistic storys but this one is tru threw and threw. i was 15 when it happend i was like the most popular kid in the school u no the steriod monkey football player but i couldnt get a g/f. or at least a friend. thow i had goten my share of oral action u no in the halls of my school b/js in the hall way, hand jobs in class, i onc eate a girl out in the cafiteria. but when prom came i was alone my budy had cheated on his g/f the week prior to prom and she was lookin for a shoulder to cry on i was there for her we talked allot prior i se thim up with her actauly but seing as how he cheated on her they where done. we got to talking allot more and we kissed once in a converastion it was good but i mean i hada hard tiome talkin to ehr cus she wa sso hot big boobs, huge ass, tini waist hard stomach but yeah so we where goin out i missed prom for an AA meeting and yeah so where where in ym hosue cus she need help with her chem homework so i helped her she kissed me we movied on to other thing liek b/j she was horible at em like i lasted 20 minutes with otu enven the urge to come so i said let have sex to ym supirse she said yeah and had condoms lol but she started geitng kinky and sceaming for me to mount her and fuck her pussy out so i did we did all the potions involving the fvagina i new so at the time only 12 but they where real good. then she said fuck my ass so i slid my meber in there and man was it tight i like it outsdie the fact she didnt wipe to shit got all over the condom ewwww but it was good. i kept goin till iw as guna come i pulle dit out btu she said come in ass hole so i did then she farted out my cum and that grassed me out allot so i said i think she should go so she kissed me good bye and left. we stayed friends so yeah thats ym first time
oh yeha now shes a porn star who dose all that groase bondage stuff

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