Okay I and he was my frist well somewhat kinda serious boyfriend.
it was pretty interesting!! it was not that great but maybe it’s
casue it was my first time and the first few times don’t feel
all that great it kinda hurts actually!! Well anyways he had
slept over the night before and the next morning we woke up and
my parents were gone to work so we went and took a shower together!!
We got out and decied to go downstairs!! It was pitch black and
we started to fool around (head,fingure and what not)
Anyways… he asked me if I wanted to have sex! so Ikinda figured I would
casue well we were going out for a really long time!!! Anyways..
I ran upstairs in my room and grabebd a condom!! He oput the condom
on and he layed me down on teh floor!! LOL I know a really bad
place but hey!! Anyways… he started by putting my legs behind my
head in a really odd position!!! I went a long with it!! Then he slowly and
carefully slipped his dick into my area!!! It hurt way to bad but
I lived!!! 🙂 we didn’t go for too long casue well it really hurt!!
Sex is not one of things I would do everyday!! Haha!! Anyways,,,
it turned out to be pretty pointless!! soooo hopefully next time I will
have sex with someone that treats me better and can do a better job!!! 🙂