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Hail To The Victors!

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: Hotel in Florida
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

This just happened two days ago, but I’ve just got to tell this story.

I am a junior at the University of Michigan.My girlfriend, Kris, and I have been going together for about three years, ever since we met during our freshman year. She is a living doll. Blonde, 5’8″, a shape that men would die for, pretty face, a wonderful personality and a great sense of humor.

I have been trying to get into her pants for the last couple of years,but I’ve had no luck in that department at all. She kept telling me that she was saving herself for the guy she was going to marry. We have fooled around a lot — in her apartment and in mine. She doesn’t mind jerking me off whenever I’m horny, because she says that’s not real sex, but she has never given me a blow job, because she says that’s going to be for her future husband, too.

At any rate, I keep begging and begging — and finally, a few weeks ago, when it was clear that Michigan was going to the Capitol One Bowl in Florida,and we were kidding around, Kris finally agreed that she would let me fuck her if Michigan beat Florida. I think she thought that there was not much chance of this happening, because Florida was highly favored to win, and that the chances of her losing her virginity were slim to none

Being a big football fan, I convinced her that we should go to Florida to see the game, and get a little sunshine in the process. We bought one of those Bowl packages that were advertized, and on the December 31 we found ourselves in the Sunshine State with a big contingent of Michigan fans. Kris and I stayed in the same hotel room, but she wanted to make sure the room had two separate beds, because she said she was not sleeping with me. The room did have two Queen sized beds, and that first night, we did sleep separately. I couldn’t see the point in that, but Kris insisted, but she did give me a great hand job because I was so damn horny and, as I say, she had this idea that relieving my pressure in this way was not “real sex.”

Well, I think you all know where this is leading.

On New Year’s Day we went to the game, and miracle of miracles, Michigan beat Florida 41-35 — our first Bowl game win in a long time, and Coach Lloyd Carr’s first. It was a great going away present by the team for a wonderful coach and a wonderful man.

Well, I was exstatic at the win — and Kris was, too — until she realized that what she had promised me. I was laughing and clowning around after the game and saying, “Hey Krissy, you know what this means — you are getting fucked tonight, but before we go back to the room, I’m going to buy yopu the best dinner you’ve ever had.” And, we did have a great dinner at a local restaurant. We both had steak and lobster, and a couple of beers. Then it was back to our room.

Kris didn’t renege’ on her promise. As soon as we got back, we both got in the shower together (our first time for that) and lathered each others bodies up with this great hotel body wash. We kissed and did all kinds of foreplay as we held each other closely. Then we dried each other off with those great terry cloth towels and finally hopped into one of the Queen sized beds.

I told Kris, “You always knew it was going to come to this someday, didn’t you — because you know I am the guy you want to marry?” I also told her, very tenderly, that I loved her very much, and had wanted to fuck her so badly for so long, and I couldn’t believe it was finally happening. She was a vision of delight, laying there naked on the hotel bed, with me positioned between her legs, my 8″ of manhood, poised to enter her lovel channel.

I can’t really describe how wonderful our lovemaking really was. It was everything I dreamed of and more. Placing my penis inside her and gradually working it in and out was the greatest experience of my life. Fucking certainly was a lot better than any hand-job she had given me, and I kept telling how good it fely to finally be inside her body. I had climax after climax, and shortly thereafter she did too. She kept whispering: “Don’t stop. Don’t stop! Keep it in me, keep it in me!” And I did, filling her with every bit of sperm I had in me.

Kris got to liking it so well, that she asked to change positions, and she got on top, pushing my erection further and further inside her. She fucked me for another 30 or 40 minutes, until she collapsed onto my chest, and we fell asleep.

Later that night, I woke up again, and we made love again, very intensely until the perspiration was running off our bodies. I took her from behind, spooning her body into mine, and the pleasure of that position is still burned into my memory.

Kris and I are staying in Florida until this weekend, when we have to return to classes in Ann Arbor again, but the other bed in the room has remained unruffled. We have fucked and fucked at every opportunity, in between getting some sunshine and some pooltime, and Kris now agrees we should have done this a long time ago.

Anyway — THANK YOU to that great Michigan team and coaching staff. On New Year’s Day 2008, you made my day — and Kris’. And if we get pregnant as a result of these few days together — so be it. I know Kris is the girl of my dreams and she;ll be my wife someday. The sooner the better.

Hail To The Victors! GO BLUE!

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