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Handjobbing my cousin

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

My cousin invited me to sleepover the entire weekend. We watched Spartacus, so we were realy horny. I took a shower before we went to bed, and when i came out, my cousin was in his underwear but they were so bid that I could see his balls! He was kind of embarrased when I told him, and he confessed that he enjoys being naked. We started talking about the weirdest place we’ve jacked off and he asked me that if I minded if we continued talking is we were BOTH naked! He told me that his little cousin from his other side of the family had jacked him off once & that he enjoyed it…i told him that one of our cousins was hung like a horse. He took his underwear off and showed me his rockhard cock. When i saw it, I started getting hard. He told me to strp and that it was very comfortable. I took my pj’s off and started playing with my cock! He complimented me on my cock’s size which I have no idea what it really measures but I think it was because his isn’t that big. We compared cocks and i asked him that if he jacked his cousin off, he told me he didn’t but that he wouldn’t mind jacking a cousin off. I told him I didn’t believe him so he said he’s jack me off if I jacked him off but we couldn’t cum. I agreed!!! He started jacking me off, I had an orgasm and he starded laughing, I told him I was going to cum so he stopped. When I grabbed his cock he groaned a little. When we were done i kind of thanked him! 😛 Since then, I use any excuse to see his cock and whatever leads from that.

I want to exchange blowjobs with but I’m afraid he’s tell on me!

Any advice? Email me! gerace21@gmail.com

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