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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: bunkhouse
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I had been a first string varsity lineman through my Junior year in high school until my injury. While I played every game and gave my maximum effort to the game, my efforts were largely unrecognized as the game announcers talked about the passers and receivers and ball carriers who were more spectacular. Then, I was injured – a torn ligament in my knee! It was mid-October that I learned I’d never play again! Suddenly, I found myself alone and with time on my hands. I went to the remaining games and sat in the bleachers alone.

It was as I was sitting alone, watching my team get beaten as ball carriers passed through my old position with ease. I had never been more depressed as I banged my crutches on the metal stand for effect. It was then that Tonya came up to me and said something about how much the team needed me and I felt recognized. . .

As she sat down beside me I checked her out and found a rather plain girl, skinny and her hair blond unkept. She was dressed shabbily in ill-fitting jeans and a wool shirt that was practical but hardly chic or mode. She was obviously alone and from my observations she seemed genuinely interested in football. We talked and were soon huddled together for warmth.

An hour later, as I departed the stadium hoping to catch a ride home from a team mate, I saw Tonya waiting in her new pickup truck. “How about a ride?” she called to me and I accepted, relieved that I didn’t have to call for assistance. From that night on, Tonya and I were a couple.

It was football awards night when I was called to walk across the stage to receive my award that Tonya appeared to assist me up stairs and across the stage. Then as we returned to my seat, I held her arm and asked her to sit with me. Then, aft er the event, I suggested we go for ice cream and she smiled as she had a better idea. Half an hour later and fifteen miles out in the country I sat in her pickup truck as she drove up in front of her ranch bunkhouse.

Once there, we went inside and I found the table all set with a tablecloth and dishes. As she turned to me I suddenly saw her in a different light. . .hair perfectly coiffed, in a dress with matching accessories and blue eyes that fairly danced with excitement. She was quite beautiful. Then, when she came to me and kissed me as she held me in a tight embrace I knew that our friendship was over and we were embarking on a new phase in our relationship.

In minutes we were in one of the beds that adorned the bunkhouse. It was rather awkward as I apologized for my inexperience and she replied explained rather huffily that she’d never done it before either. Her words registered, “. . never done it before”, and my confidence soared.

We took it slow and gently as we explored each other and eventually had great sex with no pain or discomfort as is so often the case the first time. For me it was a fantastic first time and eventually a second and a third, etc.

As we lay together that first time, Tonya explained that she’d been watching me for a long time as I played football and had decided I was to be her first. She liked my attitude and dedication and drive, all the things it takes to run a big cattle ranch!

I also liked what I saw. . . Today, Tonya and I are running that ranch and raising our kids there. It’s hard work requiring a certain mindset, dedication and stamina. It’s a lot like football.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience