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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: In my friends bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So I had a friend who was like my best friend. He was a nice friend and we were always there for eachother. I then started having feelings for him when we saw eachother naked in the showers at the school. It was an accident. I was taking a shower after gym in the school and he didn’t know I was in the bathroom, mostly because hes always the last one to go in the showers. So when I left the shower I thought I was the only boy, so we encountered eachother and I saw him naked.
He had a 15 inch dick and a strong body. I covered my eyes while he did too. I told him i’m sorry and he said the same thing. We took out our hand from our eyes and just thought it was okay since we were boys and were best friends. So we didn’t cover our bodies and just did that for the rest of the time when we were in the bathroom naked alone.
Then, a weekend later my friend asked if I could come to his house to hang out and I said ok. I drove there and rang the door. We started playing games for 3 hours and then he left the room. He said he had to change, and that to get the game in his room. I walked in to him changing and he was naked but I didnt care and I got the game and walked to leave.
He stopped me and that was weird. He was still undressed and I was curious at what he was gonna say. I started looking at his dick and he must of caught me cause he laughed and told me to look up. I did and he pulled me in to kiss me.
I felt his dick on my clothes and got real nervous. My bestfriend was gay? I always thought he was straight, since he flirted with girls in school, but gay?
He then put my hand on his dick and it was weird. He then put his hand on my hand and moved my hand to rub his dick. After that I didnt know what was going on. He started zipping down my pants and taking off my shirt and took off my boxers. We were both naked and he dragged me to the bed and started sucking my dick. I was surprised and weirded out. I still didnt get the fact how he was gay.
He turned me around and started fucking me and I was moaning. I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn’t listen.
I felt plastic so I knew he had a condom on. He started fucking me faster and I kept moaning more loudly. I didn’t tell him to stop since I kinda liked the idea of experimenting. I layed him down and started rubbing his dick while fucking him. He moaned real loud and he cummed. I started licking the cum and enjoyed it. Then I rubbed my dick fast and I cummed and cummed all over him. We ended up laying in bed talking about the sex. I asked him if he was gay and he said yes. I started to say yes too but I heard the front door open. He told me to hide in his closet and I hid while putting my clothes on. His mom walked in and she found him jerking. She said sorry and left and closed the door. I left the closet and started making out with him and got out the house with the window. My dick was really stiff and it was wet. I went back to my house and my dad asked where I was and I told him at a friends house.
In school in the showers. We’ed shower when everyone is in the showers and shower together without anyone knowing and We started masturbating eachother.

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