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Hayride- 1987

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: 1987 Buick
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Unlike many of the braggards on this site, who claim enormous penis sizes, mine is only 8 inches. Still it does what it’s supposed to do.

The first time I ever got to use it the way it was meant to be used, was back in October, 1987. My girlfriend, Anne, and I were on a youth hayride with several other couples from our high school. We were in the back of the hay wagon, making out like the rest of our friends, and Anne was really rubbing the front of my jeans ans making me very hard. I thought I was going to explode, but I kept telling myself to “hold it” and I did.But it sure did feel good when she gently squeezed my dick, and whispered in my ear, “I just love your dick!”

When the hayride was over,it was about 9:30 P.M. — too early to go home, so we decided to drive around, and I decided to drive out to my Uncle Jim’s farm in the country, and park in one of the lanes I knew were there, where we wouldn’t be disturbed. Then Anne and I got in the back seat and tarted to make out again. Things were getting very steamed up. We were french kissing, and I was feeling her up and massaging her breasts through her sweater, and then under her sweater, and she was massaging my dick, first outside my jeans and then unzipping my jeans and squeezing it directly. Finally, she said, “Take those off.” and I did. She took off her skirt and panties and I started rubbing my bare, hard dick against her, and also started probing around at the entrance to her love nest. Then Anne said, “Go ahead, let’s do it.” Those words were music to my ears! I reached for my jeans and pulled out a 3 pack of condoms that I had brought along just in case I got lucky. As I started to get one out, Anne said, “Don’t use that!” I was surprised, but gladly complied, as I shoved my dick gently but firmly into her vagina. God it felt so damn good! Soon we were humping and pumping against each other, furiously and the feeling was so exhilerating. At last I was fucking my first woman, and she was loving it. Right there on the leather seat of my Dad’s 1987 Buick. Pretty soon I knew I was going to come, and I told Anne I’d better pull out, but she said “No, let it all go.” Again I was surprised but pleasantly so. She continued, “Let’s make a baby.” “Oh, my gosh,” I thought, “Are we really ready for this?” Well, anyway, I let go with all of the sperm I had that night — and sure enough, we did make a baby. A few weeks later, Anne, told me she was pregnant. Our parents were not very pleased, but we got married a couple months later — just before our 19th birthdays. And we have been fucking regularly (every day) since then.

That was 25 years — and 4 children — ago. Our 25th Anniversary is tomorrow. And I will fuck her again– several times probably. I’ve never, ever used a condom. The 3 pack I had that night in the Buick, I gave to to my buddy, Bruce.

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