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HBK (heart break kid)

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

Well I was with this girl who I really loved. I had known her since we were 5 years old. Since her parents hate me, and she goes to a private school, the only time I could see her is when she and I snuck out of our houses at night. Anyway, we went into my room, which I had furnished with candles. She said it was very romantic. I put on our favorite album, Metallica’s Black Album, and started to kiss her passionatley. I knew she was getting hot so I rubbed her clit underneath her pants. Then, I began to pull her clothes off and lick her cunt like there was no tommorrow. Now if anyone follows professional wrestling, they know there is a group in the WWF known as “Degeneration X”, whose anthem is: TWO WORDS: SUCK IT!!! Welll, anyways, she made fun of me a little bit about something that had happened earlier on that evening. I said “Hey babe, Two Words for ya: Suck It”, not knowing that she would oblige. She made me come after only 3 minutes. After that I said, “Do you want to go all the way?” She said yes. I put on mu condom and shoved myself into her for 45 minutes, giving her 2 orgasms. It was the best experience of my life, because It was out of LOVE, not LUST. Love ya, ‘Chelle.

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