Where it happened: My livng room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
His name was Jack. I was so ready for it. Or so I thought. It started like any other make-out setion(i forgot how to spell it) but then he started rubbing his crotch really hard up against mine. I was extremely excited(emotionally). My mom and dad were gone till the next morning. My sis was getting drunk and high at our neighbors house. I wasn’t worried about her walking in so I unzipped his zipper. He looked up at me and said ‘are you sure?'(hes been waiting for this for a long time). I nodded an took off my shirt. He started rubbing my breast and playing with my rock hard nipples. I grabbed his dick and felt it harder than ever. I took off his pants and then he took off mine. I slid off his boxers and took his ten inches of giant dick and slid it into my mouth. This was the first time I have ever given head or he recieved it so it was invigorating. My panties were the ones which tie at the side so he was untieing them while he was enjoying this moment. Finally he came and I took it all. It tasted so gross but I knew he was enjoying every minute of this so I swallowed. All of a sudden he reaches over to his pants and pulls a condom out of his wallet. I take it from his hand and put it on my lips and slid it on with my mouth. (I once overheard someone doing this) He almost came right then again. He then looked at me and gave me this trusting look and I hopped up on his dick and I started riding him. My hemen broke and it hurt so bad but then about a minute later it started to feel REALLY good. I had four orgasms in about twenty minutes. Then he came and we just layed there. Right there on my futon in the livingroom. We did this six more times that night. The next morning he didn’t know how to ‘repay me’ on what had happened so he woke up early and mad me cookies. He still comes over every time my parents leave. My sis caught us once and joined us, but thats another story.