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he made the move

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: skinny dipping
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

i was going swimming with friends at the lake where we camped, i had a sort of crush on this guy david, we were about 8 people. it was practically dark, so we went in naked. i could see him staring so i went to see him and he whispered ” you dont know how long ive been looking at you, i want you… badly” and he moaned. all our friends were away, and just as i was about to lean in for the kiss, he slid one finger along between my pussy lips, i returned the favor by rubbing his dick as he slightly grinded my hand, i got turned on and we started making out passionetly, he spread my legs and lifted me up, i could feel the head of his dick rubbing my hole, i pressed my thighs against his, and we had passionate sex for about an hour after he brought me to dry land, ever scince weve been in a two year relationship.

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