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he ran faster than me

Age when it happend: just turned 14
Where it happened: big grassy field
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was a real fast runner. I raced everyone and always won unless they were track stars. I could run for miles and miles. at 12 years old I would average maybe 25 Km every other day as I ran between farms my parents worked at. Well being thin and flat chested when I was in the middle of no where I would take off my top and tuck it in to my spandex shorts, I would get a great tan that way. Well when I got 13 some poor folks put a hut right in my running path and one evening I ran right in to it bang and knocked it down. It was evening but I was so concentrating on speed I didn’t see it . Well there I was bamboo and grass everywhere and under it me and three little kids and their Mom and Dad. I stood up pulling grass out of my hair dazed and wondering what happened and this lady looked up at me and said “kind of you to drop in” she really did! I saw a little brown baby butt and reached down to pick the little girl up who wasn’t crying till she saw me. I held her and she stopped. The Dad found his other children and we walked back two steps from the used to be hut. Son what happened the father asked as he turned the lantern on as nite fell. He held the light to me as I held his baby. With the light on my face I smiled lightly and then he illuminated my breast which were feminine but small Oh my my your a .. His wife interupted and said a young lady as she took her baby from my arms and lightly felt my one breast. Yes and he started looking in the grass for my top. Just then a young boy came running in wearing only a loin cloth. He was tall and very dark he looked Nigerian by his face. I heard a crash what happened? I ran and crashed their hut I’m so sorry. My parents have a tent its only another 5 Km can I get it for you till you set up . I’ll go with you said the boy and we had the family under the tent just as it started to rain. We introduced each other and the boy said he was a good runner. I met him the next day. And he wanted to warm up by getting his village mail at the Post Office. We ran there, and ended up running every day and delivering lots of mail. Well one day between farms I took my top off like normally and stuffed it in my shorts and was running like the wind and my friend ran up behind me and pulled it out of my pants and ran ahead and stopped a couple of Km under a Bananna tree. When I got to him he held my top behind his back and said it will cost you a kiss. I told him I never kissed any one and you wont be the first. Then I guess its mine. I agreed to kiss him and I was not sorry he was a good at it. He put my top on my sweaty body and felt my breast. Now here in Africa every woman has her top off every now and then, but being touched by a boy is rare and taboo. But it felt real good. Well we became good friends and one day He said I’m faster than you. I told him I let him win. He said no. The race was set. Whats do I get if I win. What do you want he said. a boat ride down the whole river. That will cost 1000 francs. What do you want? your virginity he said. Oh now you will not win not even close. I kissed him real sexy like and stood back and his loin cloth pushed out. You not putting that in me. Then its a bet. Yes its a bet. Tomorrow bring a 1000 francs, You bring a condom he said. Honestly I thought he may win, but as we ran together I was always letting him in front and I never ran full out. I thought about the race so much I forgot about getting a condom, and who buys a condom you buy 5 or 10 not one that would be stupid. Well I met him in the flat country and he had a duffel bag and we set the rules. we run to the foot hills around two known paths and back to the crossing fan palms that is the finish about 14 Km . I took off my top and my wrap You would call what I had on panties but they are shorts or small briefs. Then I oiled my self so I was shinning in the morning sun. My friend opened his duffle and pulled out a pair of broke in running shoes and small sox cleaned his feet and laced them up. I should of backed out then. We got in our starting stance and I said wait. and gave him a real sexy kiss and his loin cloth started bulging. Go and I ran. well I lost him in the first Km I knew there were no short cuts and I was feeling good one third of the way as I was heading up the foothills I saw him two Km back . I was not letting up no way. about the last part of the path where I could see back about 1/2 way I saw him 400 meters back. I was in the flow and flying it was the final Km and I glanced back and saw him only 40 meters back and running quiet as a leopard. Soon he was beside me and I was full go and he pulled away with incredible speed and the last ten steps I could only think of where I could find a condom in a hurry. We puffed for a couple of minutes and he went to his duffel and pulled out a small looked like a Muslem prayer rug unrolled it and collapsed on it to take off his shoes. Little girl you are fast fast fast. Not fast enough I said still kicking my self for not having a condom. You want to go on a boat ride? He laughed and said where is you 1000 francs ? I could earn it in a couple days. Well come here on the rug. I walked up to the rug and started shaking and I couldn’t kneel I froze. My friend had compassion on me and stood up toe to toe with me put his hand in the middle of my back and pulled me to his chest and said listen to my heart. I am a nice boy and I like you. you are my friend. stop shaking. Now kiss me and I did , I stood on my tippy toes and kissed and kissed and went into dream world. I felt his bulge and he was a big lump. I’m afraid and I didn’t bring a condom I said , I really never was out run before by any one. Well that’s OK I didn’t have 1000 francs for the boat ride either. I have out run by some but never by a girl.
Are you a virgin I asked him? I dont want to talk about it he said. Did they hurt you ? I could hear his heart speed up and he finally said yes! What happened? I was only 9 and she pulled me out of bed and forced me to do adult things with her and she put a stick up my ass and then she circumcised me with a pair of scissors and for a week I was her sex slave doing terrible things. Then the police rescued me and moved me here and now I’m 18 and I want to make love to you. I don’t want sex I want love. I cried with my head on his chest listening to him. I will love you I said. I will make beautiful love to you so you my nice boy will have good memories of me. I pulled the knot on his loin cloth and it fell to the ground releasing his beautiful circumcised penis. I pulled it to the side to hug him close and said I’m still a little tense so be careful with me. I still had shorts on but he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and slid down to get kissed ,I felt his penis under me as I was kissed . I jumped down and pulled my shorts off and hopped up and really felt his shaft under my labia but not in me. I was calming down. he lay me down and I was still legs around his waist. His penis was wet from me .I felt him push right in a little then all the way in my asshole real slow I couldn’t speak only groan . I tried to kiss but couldn’t breath. Let me relax I groaned and he held still I thought he was going for my pussy and I wasn’t ready for a ass pumping. It took a long time for me to relax and he started pumping slow it was OK but not real good. He shot off and pulled out real slow and said your bleeding a little I’m sorry. When is your period? I had to think I ran so hard some time I skipped a period or two some times three. When I slowed down training I would have a period.
Its been two months I think. I looked at my self and smiled at him and said you just stretched my ass a little My pussy is here if you would of looked and not just poked you would of put your penis in the right hole. Here have a look up close.
and I lay back and he sort of looked didn’t know how. Use your fingers and open things up girls are like soft rubber they stretch and bounce back. A baby head the size of two fist have to come out there so it is stretchey. So he pulled my labia and said its real pink here and you are stretchy . He put his finger on my urethra and pushed a little that’s where I urinate look lower. There is nothing there he said. Well let me aim you and I did and he wiggled round and round with his finger and didn’t get in. I know its there so I felt and nothing. There must be some hole here I have had periods. Well I see just a small one on this side he said and put his finger there. I grabbed his finger lets push together we did and I slowly tore open. It hurt a little and his finger in me felt goooooood. His penis was hard agin and straight and every bit of 18 cm but not real fat of course though I have nothing to compare with. Well he popped my cherry as they say in the states real slow. and I cried as I pulled him in me . He was so gentle and he was in and out real slow and un like my ass I really liked it even though I did a lot of bleeding. Before I went home we made beautiful love 5 times. I could barely walk let alone run home. I went to the village elder and confessed my sin and he found the boy and Married us right away. We haven’t had any children not because we don’t have lots of sex. But one thing I know when we do have children they will run fast. Thanks for reading my story. Wait
I just measured my man and he is 19 cm long and 3.5 cm diameter shaft . Every one else sends measurements so I send his

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