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Heather & Joe

Age when it happend: 17/16
Where it happened: Boyfriends bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight


I don’t know why I was a friend to Sally. No one else was, and while I wasn’t just feeling sorry for her I didn’t really like her much. I suppose I remember what it was like to be new and not know anyone. You see Sally had come to our school three weeks after the beginning of term, and had been very quiet and alone. I had got to be with her because she lived near me and we caught the same bus. Anyway, after two weeks she didn’t come in on the Friday and we were told she was sick. That’s why on Sunday evening I went round to see how she was.

Her Mum met me at the door and when I explained who I was she invited me in. She explained that Sally was really rather sick and that she had been in bed since Thursday evening, and might not be up to talking much. I went into Sally’s room and she was in bed reading.

Hi, I said. How you doing?

She smiled and said that she was rather weak and was sleeping a lot.

So what’s wrong? I asked.

Don’t know yet. The Doctor thinks it may be glandular fever or something, It’s certainly left me with no energy, and I sleep for ages.

We chatted for a while, had tea and some food that Sally’s mum brought us, and then at about nine thirty when Sally was falling to sleep again, I said goodbye and went to leave. Sally’s Mum took me to the door to show me out. Just as I was leaving however, a very tall blond haired boy came in, and he was introduced as Sally’s brother Joe. I didn’t take in a lot of detail but he smiled very nicely and then went off to his room. I said that I would call again soon, perhaps with school work for Sally.

On the way home I kept thinking about Joe. He was very good looking being about six foot tall with light brown hair bleached blond by the sun. He was wearing the sort of baggy clothes that give nothing at all away about the figure of the wearer. However as I let the short meeting replay in my mind I realised he had large hands, a thick muscular neck, very white teeth and soft pillowy lips. Just right for snoging! I guest he was about nineteen, though it was difficult to be sure.

I’ve not had much experience with boys yet. Only kissed a couple at parties, though I certainly look at them a lot and get quite excited thinking about sex and stuff. It will be good to try and get to know Joe better


After the service tonight I was really fed up. I’ve come to the conclusion that Ruth is a selfish bitch, and doesn’t care for me as much as she makes out. Chris, my best friend has been saying for a while that she is just playing me along, that she is not serious. And he can tell? Still he and Rachel are very much in love, and I know they are going all the way with each other and have been for a month or so.

The service had gone really well, as the new curate sings, unlike Ruth’s dad, (who is the vicar). The responses to the prayers, by Byrd, had all been in tune and bright and clear. The Anthem, a setting of Turn back, O man by Gustav Holst, was great. I sing tenor, and Chris was playing the Organ – his dad is our Director of Music.

Anyway, after the service I was round at Ruth’s – we always get a good half hour to ourselves before her mum and dad have finished their saying goodbyes and stuff. We had been kissing and fooling around. While Ruth is perfectly happy to let me slip her panties down so she can squirm away on my fingers, she won’t do a thing for me. She doesn’t even like me rubbing myself against her. And she turns me on so. Or at least I get turned on. Especially when she has an orgasm. I just get sore, being constrained in my jeans.

Anyway, after we had had coffee, a lot of the seniors in the choir come round to the vicarage after the service, I decided to come home earlier than usual. Partly because my sister Sally isn’t well, but mainly because I was feeling so fed up and angry.

Anyway, just as I was letting myself into the apartment, mum is letting this girl out. She is called Heather and is a friend of Sally. I realised after she went that I must of appeared rude or at least uninterested, but she was so good looking that if I had not just walked on in, she might have seen me drooling. I went into Sally’s room to talk about Heather, but she was asleep. After getting something to eat and talking to mum for a bit, I went and did some homework.

Later though, when I was in bed trying to go to sleep I thought about Joe, and remembered that she said she would come round sometime soon. I decided that I want to get to know her better, even if she is older than me.


I didn’t go round to Sally’s again till the Wednesday. Our Chemistry and English teachers had given me work for her, and I also took her some other notes she may be interested in. She was in a happier spirit, thou still in a very tired and week condition. Her mum invited me to have some tea with them, and then asked if I would do her a favour. She explained that there was a meeting she wanted to go to but didn’t want to leave Sal by herself, so would I stay with Sally until Joe came home. I said that of course I’d stay, and rang mum to let her know.

After her mother had gone, Sally and I talked for a while, mostly about what was going on at school, and we looked at some of the work. Then she got tired so I said I would let her sleep and go and do my homework in the kitchen. I was very nearly finished when Joe arrived. He came in wearing a tracksuit and trainers. His hair was wet and sweaty, and he was obviously hot from some sport or other. Hi, he said, and appeared to be surprised I was there. “That’s fine.” He said, after I had explained, “I’ll just have a shower and see you in a minute”. Before I could say anything about going, he had, so I thought, OK so this is an opportunity. Let’s see.

I finished my homework, while keeping an ear out for Joe. When I heard him come out of the bathroom, I went into the hall to ask him if he wanted me to warm up the tea his mum had left. He was facing away from me as I was saying this, but turned and I think he said something like ‘thanks, that’s very good of you’. I didn’t hear because I was so transfixed by his body. He had nothing on except a towel wrapped round his middle, and that was very skimpy, only just covered his bum. He was bronze, smooth skinned and muscular. His back and chest were broad and his legs were very long with very strong thick thighs, covered in fine, light brown hair. His feet were huge, broad and long, with very long toes.

He smiled and said ‘I wont me a moment’, and he went into his room which was opposite Sallys. Wow! I was shaking! Why? Well lust really. He was so beautiful. And so friendly. And here with me! Well not really with me but I had to see where this might lead.

I plated up Joe’s tea and nuked it in the Microwave. When it pinged I went to take it out and put it on a tray. Suddenly he was right behind me. I hadn’t heard him, but was aware of him. Perhaps it was his heat or his smell, I could not say. He put his hands on my shoulders and said ‘thanks, that’s really good of you.’ Then he kissed me! On the cheek! I wasn’t going to wash ever again! But hold on. Wasn’t that a friendly kiss? Or, oh no, a brotherly kiss? I was confused. Anyway he said, ‘I’m going to take this into the front room. There’s a good film on we could watch if you like.’ So I said sure. That would be great.

Joe sat in a large chair eating his tea while I sat on the sofa opposite the TV. When the film started it turned out to be some sort of horror thing, which I was not keen on. When I said I hope this isn’t too scary, Joe said he would protect me. I thought he was taking the piss but as soon as he had finished his meal he took the tray back to the kitchen and then came and sat next to me. I was very aware of the heat coming off him.

After a while, in the story, there was a tense moment when a man is stalking another guy in the dark. I was getting engaged in it and a little edgy, when suddenly a dog jumps up and barks. It made me jump out of my skin and I held my face, suppressing a little scream. Then Joes arms were round me. He said ‘its ok. I’ve got you. You’r safe’. I just loved the feel of him holding me, but was also rather embarrassed. Then I realised he was trying not to laugh at me. I said, ‘Oh don’t make fun of me, I feel such an idiot.’

‘I’m not’, he said, ‘I just wanted a reason to hold you.’
I looked up at him then and he looked straight back at me. He wasn’t taking the piss. If anything he was looking at me with something like awe. Then as if in slow motion he leaned down and kissed me. Gently. Firmly. Fully. Suddenly I was kissing him back.

I don’t know how long we went on like that, but after a while I was aware that we had changed our position on the sofa. Joe was on his back with his legs outstretched beneath me, and I was on top of him, kissing him deeply, with my hands stroking his hair. His hands were all over my back and bum, and I could feel his cock bulging in his jeans. We came up for air and I looked down on him and said, ‘Wow. You are lovely, you know.’
‘So are you,’ he smiled back. Then I slipped over onto my side next to him, which meant I could look and feel him better. I ran my hand over his chest and tummy and sliding my hand under his tee shirt felt the muscles and smooth skin, and the soft hairs running down under his belt. My sex was rubbing against his thigh, and I was so wet I thought I was close to coming. I began to rub myself against him, and reached down to feel his cock, which was straining under his jeans. He groaned, so I said sorry, and he said its ok. I was thinking about opening his zip when I felt myself come, and Joe jerked and sort of sobbed so I think he came too.

We kissed a bit more but his mum came in and so we straightened ourselves out and I went home very soon after that. At home in bed later I thought of Joe and ended up having a wank, imagining what it would be like to make it with him. I went to sleep hoping that we could be together again soon, though it took five days before we were.


I didn’t get to see Heather again for five days, and during that time I didn’t stop thinking about her. Sunday evening was interesting, as Rachel could not understand why I didn’t seem interested in her, or spend time with her. I thought this might do her some good; I certainly wasn’t bothered.

Anyway, I got home on Monday about seven fifteen, after my singing lesson with Chris’s dad, and Heather was there with Sally. It seemed that mum had to go out, and had asked Heather to stay until I got back. So I asked them if they had eaten or wanted anything. Sally said she would like a hot chocolate, and Heather wanted a coffee. I said I would get them after a shower.

Because I wanted to get close to Heather later, after the shower I dressed in a tee shirt and sports shorts, and went to the kitchen to make the drinks and something to eat. It was gratifying to note Heather’s reaction when I went into to Sally’s room with there drinks.

About half an hour later I was sitting on the settee in the lounge watching TV when Heather came in. Hi she said, Sally is settling down, so I better be going.

Do you have to go yet, I asked? Come and sit down for a while.

OK, she said. No I don’t have to go yet.

When she was sitting next to me, I could feel the heat of her leg on mine, and the tension between us, I asked her if she had been ok about the last evening we had been together.

O yes, she said, it was lovely.

We talked briefly about relationships, she wasn’t in one, I explained about RacheI. I told Heather that I really liked her and that she is very beautiful. She smiled, put her hand on my thigh, said, so are you, and then reached up and kissed me.

It was wonderful. The kiss was deep and fired both of us. Heather had one hand going up and down the inside of my thigh, and the other under my tee shirt, over my tummy and chest. I let mine go under her shirt onto the smooth warm plain of her stomach, and up to fondle her breast. As I did this she groaned, and broke off the kiss to breathe more deeply. Then we shifted on the settee so Heather was lying on her back and I was on my side next to her. We just kissed for a while and then I put my hand back on her tummy and moved it down under the elastic of her panties. She jumped at this, so I backed off. Heather put her hand on mine, and broke off the kissing to say its ok, just go slowly. I gave her lots of little kisses all over her face, eyes, cheeks and neck, while my hand went back into her pants. I could feel the soft springy hair of her bush, and pushing up against the fabric of the panties, I moved my hand over her mound and down between her legs. I lowered my hand on top of her mons, and let my middle finger ease its way into her. She was soaking wet and as I touched her she moaned deeply and lifted her crotch to push my finger deeper into her.

I was of course completely hard and my cock was straining against my shorts and Heathers hip, making me uncomfortable. I stopped kissing her and asked if she would like to go somewhere more comfortable?

“Where”, she asked?

“How about my bedroom?”

I felt her weigh this up. After a little tense pause she relaxed and said “yes please”.

On the way to my room I was trying to figure out the best way to play this; whether to carry on as we were or to try and undress her. In the event Heather solved the problem, for as we arrived she kicked off her sandals and began getting out of her clothes. I closed the door behind us, took off my tee shirt, and stepping up behind her lifted her into arms. Then I took her over to my bed and lay her down on it. All she had on were her panties.

I told Heather that I’d like to make love with her, but just fooling around would be fine. I wouldn’t do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. She said she wanted me too, but that she wasn’t on the pill. I reassured her I had condoms. I had to decide how forward to be with her. If I went too fast I might scare her off. If too slow lose the momentum. One thing that persuaded me to go for the first was that I needed to get out of my shorts. I had been hard for a while but having her here in my room, on my bed, and wearing next to nothing was making my cock hurt with the constriction, so I eased them off and kicked them away.

Heather’s eyes went wide looking at me and she blushed, and put her arms over her breasts. I leaned over her and kissed her forehead and nose, then her lips. I told her to relax, that she was beautiful. I took her arms off her breasts and massaged one while sucking on the other, her nipples being like little bullets. She moaned and becoming bolder started caressing my chest and tummy until she reached and took hold of my cock with one hand and just held it. This made me jump and although it was wonderful, I didn’t want to come too soon, I had to breathe deeply and calm myself as I got used to her touching me. I kissed her tummy and sliding my hands down her flanks, slid my fingers under the elastic of her knickers and slid them off her. She jumped a bit at that, the last possibility of modesty gone, but I calmed her by stroking her cheek with one hand and putting the other between her legs began to massage her pussy.

I kissed her nipples in turn while working her up down below, and when she started to buck and groan I moved round so I was between her legs. I moved my mouth onto her sex and began eating her out, running my hands under her lovely arse, lifting and massaging her while getting my tongue into her, and sucking on her clit. I glanced up to look at her; she was writhing but trying not to come. I told her to let go and enjoy it, and a moment later she went very stiff and came with a little scream and a long deep moan.

More than anything I wanted to get inside her, so I quickly went to my draw for a condom, put it on, and was back between her legs in a moment. I kissed my way up her tummy and chest, licking and kissing all the way. As I reached her neck I positioned my cock on her lips. The head slipped in straight away, so I moved my mouth onto hers and began some deep kissing. When I had waited as long as I could I eased by hips down and went into her, slowly in, deeply in, all the way in.


I suppose some people, like my parents would not approve of me sleeping with Joe, and certainly when I hadn’t known him very long. Surely though, they must know what its like to be with someone that you fancy so much, and who when he has turned you on asks so nicely if you want to go to his room. The sensation I felt most with him was warmth. He is so big his body radiates so much heat that I feel safe and comfortable. Of course I was very excited and nervous too! Going into his room I decided that I had to do some of the work so I thought if we are going to fool around I better help so I took off my cloths, though I kept my panties on.

The feel of Joe coming up behind me and holding me was really great, and I felt myself throbbing between my legs and getting suddenly much wetter. After he had put me on the bed he took off his shorts and I could see his cock. I had been told that these can be quite big, and that girls can accommodate them, but it looked really massive to me; much thicker and longer than I was expecting. That’s why as soon as I could without rushing him I got hold of it. I could feel it pulsing, and it was velvety smooth and rock hard and the same time.

He was all over me, doing the most amazing things. I came a load of times, but what I really wanted was for us to be really together. Then he got off me and went to put on a condom. He was soon back, and I waited while he kissed along my body. When I felt his dick at my vagina, I took a deep breath, thinking it might hurt. But it was just lovely. Slowly he slid all the way into me, stretching and filling me. It was so hot and smooth. We were kissing real deeply, and he was moving in long slow strokes back and forth. Without getting faster, just more intensely, it built up to a massive orgasm. As I came, I felt him spasm as his sperm filled the condom. It was wonderful, and we have been a couple for the last six months. We have sex as often as we can, and it just gets better and better.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience