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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: at my house
Langauge: ENGLiSH
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It began when I was only 7 years old.This boy moved next door,Patrick.We were the same age,and ironically both born on January 7th.We were together EVERY chance we got.When we were 9,we shared our FiRSTkiSS<3 When we were 10,he told me he LOVEDme.After that,I stopped speaking to him.I transferred to a new school to avoid him.It was too awkward-why? Because iLovedHimBACK.On our 12th Birthday,after two full years of not seeing him, he came to my house to see me.Of course,as usual,I was downstairs in my basement/bedroom,straightening my hair and dancing around to music.He walked down,and I swear I remember running to him and FLiNGiNG my arms around his neck,hugging him tight.He embraced me back.That's how it began

"You've changed so much"I told him."You have to"he said.It was true-we both had.He used to be short and chubby,but now he was stronger and taller and only slightly chubby,and more handsome than before.I used to be short and chubby as well,and flatchested.Now I was tall,and I was thin,and wore a size 36C cup.After talking about school for awhile,we decided to sit down and watch a movie together.

We sat together on the couch,watching "Urban Legend" By the end of the movie,I was crying.I hated horror-and Patrick knew that.I laid my head on his broad shoulder,and he held me,murmering to relax.He started rubbing my leg, just below my short blue miniskirt to calm me down a bit.He knew exactly how to calm me down.i LOVEDhimFORthat<3

After UrbanLegend we decided to watch a new movie.We chose Titanic,one of my FAVORiTES.He stopped rubbing my leg when he noticed the wet spot on my skirt.It was true-I was getting wet.Was it really my fault that he was turning me on? I think Not.Anyhow,after a while,he started rubbing again,still below my skirt.I placed my hand on his,and pushed his hand up to my inner thigh,so he started rubbing there.I had a MAJOR orgasm,and kinda hot the couch really wet-whoops…I knew Patrick was having an Erection,because there was a bulge in his jeans.I wanted him so bad-I loved him.

During Titanic,I sat in Pat's lap.He rocked me back and forth on his lap, making sure that I felt the erection through his jeans.When he knew I was comfartable,he slid his hand down my back,and rubbed my back as he unhooked my bra.It was off,and I knew how excited we were both becoming.
He kissed my neck,and eventually slid his hands around me,pressing me Into him.I climbed off his lap,and beside him.I brushed my lips on his,and he and I started kissing,straight out making out.I loved him,he made me feel so good.

As we finiashed kissing,I asked him if he'd ever masturbated.He said No.I asked him to,for me,so I could see.He agreed,and pulled off his pants,and then his boxers.His erection was huge-and he said he needed something to look at while he stroked himself.I pulled off my tank top,so Patrick stared at my boobs,and started to stroke.In only minutes,he ejaculated.I got up as he finished,pulled him to me,and kissed him passionately as he grabbed my boobs,and felt them up.I didn't mind.

I started pulling his shirt off of him,and he pulled down my skirt.I wasn't wearing my panties,so at that point we were both standing there naked.
We stared for a while,before I laid down on my bed,and he got on top of me. He started to slide in,when I asked if he had protection."No"he said.I told him it was okay,just that when he felt himself cumming,he needed to pull out.He agreed to try,and I allowed him to try to slide in again.It was hard,because I was so tight.I was already wet though,so he slid in,and I screamed at the pain as he pumped.He had "popped my cherry" and I was bleeding.He apologized as the blood trickled down my leg,but I told him to stay in.He did, and he pumped and had sex for almost 40 minutes before he tried pulling out.But I was too tight,and he came in me,a lot.I started crying.He said he was SO sorry.I said it was okay.We started again,and I had a multiple orgasm,then four more in the next 2 hours.He came 2 times more,and we finished off.He said he wanted to clean me up,so he ate me out,and let me suck him off as well.

Pat & I discovered that I was pregnant with our daughters four months later, when I began my morning sickness,and gained weight.It is now 7 years later, and we are engaged to be married.We have 3 children-twin daughters, Ally and Shaelyn who are 6 years of age.We also have a son who was conceived three years later,and he is 3- Jamie.We love all of our children,and live together in my basement.I love Patrick,and I am SO happy that he was my first,and I know that we will all live happily together.We have had sex at least 4 times a week for 7 years now,and I love him-NowAlways&FOREVER <3

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