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her mom’s bed

Where it happened: her mom's bed
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i had been talking to a girl i know on the computer for like two hours. we decided we wanted to watch a movie.. so we went and got some beer, and sat in her moms room, where the only vcr was in the house. we turned it on, and i had one drink. i had only one or two drinks in my whole life up to this point, so i started to feel weird.. and i walked around the house thinking i was gonna die. i finally got back to her moms bedroom and the dog followed me in. i laid behind her with my arm over her stomach and watched the movie. i felt up under her shirt, (just her belly), and the waist of her pants. she rolled over and kissed me.. one thing led to another and she started going down on me. i told her i felt bad about her doing that like she didnt want to, she told me she respected herself not to do something she didnt want to (later in my life i found out she is a conniving little witch.. but thats a whole other story)… but still told me she didnt want me giving her oral sex. strange.. sure, but thats the kind of person she is. any way. like many guys.. or maybe just myself, i couldnt get hard. (it happens every time i sleep with a girl the first time for some reason.. but half an hour later.. i get “better”). this time was the first time, so i was even more nervous, and i sat there for a while until i felt the tension. to relieve it i put my hand back between her legs, and started to rub on her a little. she got ready again, and i was finally ready, so i decided not to move, in case i would go flaccid again. i asked her where she wanted me to come at, and she just said oh its fine. i had my period less than a week ago. so i did. and we laid there. a few minutes later my nerves had settled and my hormones decided they were going go flood my body. i put my hand between her legs again, and i thought “thank god she isn’t disgusted”; we kissed for a little bit more, and she got on top of me. she rode me for a few minutes. i’m sure she was faking to make me feel better, but she started going faster and a faster, so did i.. both of us trying to build to orgasm. she claims she had one. screaming out my name, i love you i love you.. all that shit.. but i think she just wanted to make me feel like i shouldn’t give up sex forever. (i know now that when a woman screams during her orgasm that she is either faking it, or in misconception about what one is.) and THEN.. we fell asleep for like an hour. woke up and she told me we have to get out before her mom gets home from work at 5 AM.

anyway.. i know that isnt as exciting as some of the other ones. but it was real. people dont fuck for the first time in the bathroom at a soccer game, and stick roman candles up their asses either.

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