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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My Place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

How could anyone forget there first time most people told me that it would be awkward and a bit painfull but Zack made my first time trully amazing It happen the 5th week of summer 2008 Zack and I had had a thing for a while we were always flirting and touching each other He often would come over and we watch a movies with me so that friday my parents were gone for the weekend i asked him if he’d maybe want to stay the night at my place he didnt hesitate to tell me yes he got there around 3:00 everything was the same we put in a movie (Knocked Up) and sat on the couch before i knew it he had his hand down my pants then he wispered in my ear “do you trust me” of course i told him yes as he massage my wet pussy i really had never done much with a guy up intill that moment i thought maybe i should kiss him we started making out and he picked me up and put me on his lap i ran my fingers through his hair as he un hooked my bra then slowly took my shirt of he he sucked on my tits till my nippils were hard it felt so good i statred rubing my pussy through my panties i was suprised at how wet i was we kissed a few more times till he pushed my head down i had no idea how to give head so i just rubed his dick (witch was already pretty hard) then he told me to take my pants off i stood up to pull them down then he grabed me an picked me up and took me up stairs to the bathroom (i have huge miorr) i asked why he took me in there he told me he wanted us to see each other get fucked he slid part of my panties to the side and begain to fuck me his dick slide in easily i watched my self moan in the mirror as he fucked me slowly he pulled out right befor he cam it was amazing i had never felt such a grater feeling it was about 7 by the time we were done he asked if i wanted to just go to sleep now so we cuddeled in my bed till we fell asleep he kept telling me how beaitiful was and he played with my hair witch made me fall asleep first 🙂 were now bf and gf we’ve only fucked once after that time but id love to do it again.

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