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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: port-a-potty
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so theres this girl named melissa who i had met at the west virginia state fair. She was a vendor at the corn dog stand where she was wearing really short cut off denim shorts and a tank top which didnt do too well of a good job at covering up her 34 DDD boobs. At first i as a little reluctant to go over to her cause what if she wasnt interested in me, after all she did work at the state fair and hwo knows what state fair girls are like. I decided, what the heck, i have nothing to lsoe so i walked over to her and said in a casual voice, “i’ll take two corn dogs with a side of you.” She looked at me as if i was some sort of freak, than she rolled her eyes, bent over and whispered in my ear “you and me at the port-a-potty in 15 minutes.” The 15 minutes went by really slowly,and rightwhen i was about to leave i saw her, like a beautiful turtle dove strolling towards me. I couldnt wait anymore, so i ran over to her and quickly just started kissing her all over, while at the same time thinking to myself “hmmmmm, tastes like corndog.” People started giving us these weird looks so we decided to just do it in the port-a-potty. It smelled pritty damn putrid in there but we didnt let that affect us. I pulled out a condom from my pants, which i had been carrying around with me just to show my frinds so they’d know what a condom looks like (they’re mostly all computer nerds who haven’t seen a girl since lara croft in tomb raider). She was a very loud grunter, but i didnt mindm i just did it nice and slow until she experienced her orgasm 4 hours later. It was truly ORGASMIC!

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