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“Hi, my name is Brad!”

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Friend's Dorm Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

He was sitting in this beanie type chair, absolutely naked, when I walked into my friend Nancy’s dorm room at the University of Florida, last June. He was reading a magazine, which I later saw was a Penthouse. As he stood up, he tossed it aside and said, “Hi, my name is Brad, I don’t think we’ve met before.” He was, perhaps, in his late twenties, maybe thirty,was about 6 ft. tall and had a body that rivaled a Greek god, with a flaccid penis between his legs that was a good 7″ long. I told him I was a friend of Nancy’s, to which he replied, “Well, Nancy’s not here right now; she’s downstairs doing some laundry, but you’re welcome to stay.” He went on to say that the room air conditioner was not working, and since it was over 90 degrees out, he wanted to be more comfortable.He made no attempt to cover up, but invited me to sit in one of the other chairs in the room.

I sat down and we began a conversation in which he explained that he was an Assistant Professor of Psychology, and was one of Nancy’s instructors.He further explained that he had been out jogging that afternoon, and stopped in to see Nancy, which I gathered he did quite regularly. His jogging shorts and T-shirt, he explained, were among the items that Nancy was washing.

I was somewhat uncomfortable, sitting there talking to a handsome young man with no clothes on, but I stayed and we continued to talk. The conversation eventually turned to sex, and at one point, he asked me, rather boldly, “Do you like to fuck?” Being rather taken aback by such a remark, I replied that I had a steady boyfriend on campus, and our sex life was good. Brad then suggested that I bring him around so we could have a “foursome” sometime. I told him we did not engage in group sex, to which he responded, “Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.”

Before the afternoon was over, Nancy had returned, and the three of us actually had a “threesome” together. Brad fucked us both, and both Nancy and I gave him separate blow jobs. Since then, we have had those “foursomes” at least a half dozen times.

As Brad said, “Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.”

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